CHAPTER 35-Reunion

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The shuttle screams through the skies as it makes its way towards The Outlaws Base. Inside the shuttle was a squad of Commando Droids, Najenda, Luna and (Y/n). They're mission was to establish a connect with The Outlaws and get their help with evacuating civilians far from Union's grasp and into the Social Separatist States. Whether that would succeed is being put to question. (Y/n) brought the droids in case this diplomatic mission turns into a firefight. Najenda didn't think it would turn into a firefight but didn't bother to argue with (Y/n). After all he did come out of the Clone Wars, so he probably would have more experience than her. Especially if this war had spread throughout a galaxy. So, she didn't question his lapse of judgement with the extra security.

Luna was a little nervous since this was technically her first mission. She was sitting directly beside the Admiral. She is more comfortable around him than anything as she feels safe when around him. Ever since she lost her parents and home because of the United Forces, she's felt hopeless. That was until she was rescued by (Y/n), Night Raid and the Droid Army. Being in the hands of this Rebellion, she felt her hope was restored, but only slightly. But (Y/n) has been filling in the void left by her deceased parents. He's shown her nothing but love and care. He comforted her when she needed the comfort and took her under his wing. He's trying to help her get back on her feet. She then unconsciously lays her head on his shoulder.

(Y/n) looked at her before moving his arm to hug her with one arm. He gently rubs her arm comfortingly. A smile snaked its way onto Luna's face. Najenda watched on with a smile as she sat across from them. The real reason she wanted (Y/n) to bring Luna was so that the two would spend more time together. She knows how Luna is starting to see (Y/n) and wants to make sure that this Rebellion won't separate the two. This War is uncertain, so she will do her best. The happiness of her comrades is important to her, especially in a world so dark.

(Y/n): "you, okay?" he asks.

Luna: "Nervous."

(Y/n): "You'll be fine, kiddo. You know why?" he asks, making her look up at him. "Because you have a squad of Commando Droids, a Highly trained force Wielder and badass Assassin leader with you on this mission." he said, gesturing to the occupants of the shuttle.

Najenda smiled a little, being called Badass Assassin leader as a means of comforting Luna.

(Y/n): "If these Outlaws pick a fight, they'll drop dead faster than the United Forces who dared challenge me." he said with a playful glare.

Najenda: "easy there, (Y/n). You're sounding like a villain." she retorts playfully.

(Y/n): "Well I am.... to Union." he jokingly claims.

Najenda: "Good point."

Droid: "Outlaw Base is about 15 Minutes away. Prepare for landing." he says.

{Outlaw Base, Far Way from Unity City}

One of Jackson's scouts warned them of an approaching ship and Nomad feared it was the Droids. So, the Outlaws were preparing themselves for battle in case it was. Jackson, Daniel, Nomad, Cassidy and Obi Wan were with the rest of the most skilled members of The Outlaws. These people were willing to house him, so Obi Wan figured it was best to return the favor by helping to protect them. He stood beside Nomad who was holding his helmet in one hand and his blaster in the other. One of the Outlaws points out a ship coming, and everyone looks to see the Shuttle approaching. Nomad scowls before he puts his helmet on over his head. Obi Wan hovered his hand over his lightsaber.

The shuttle didn't open fire or show any aggressive action. It descended upon the defenders and landed in front of them all. The ramp of the shuttle drops down and touches the ground. From this now opened door, the squad of Commando Droids come out and have their blasters trained on the Outlaws. They haven't noticed the Clone Trooper and Jedi yet. Najenda and Luna soon followed before (Y/n) was the last one to come out. Seeing (Y/n), Nomad and Obi Wan's eyes widened.

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