CHAPTER 71-Through the Force

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After speaking with the headmasters, (Y/n) was allowed to walk around the academy with Qrow. This was to get him used to his new surroundings so that way, once he's an official staff member, he'll know his way around. Qrow was to act as his guide and guard to ensure (Y/n) doesn't do anything the headmasters wouldn't want him to do. But the Headmasters don't know that Qrow and (Y/n) are working together. This is something the headmasters can never figure out, if they do, then the entire mission is compromised. (Y/n) knows the risks and is willing to face them head on. It's what Dooku taught him to do. Be willing to take risks, but also be willing to be cautious. There is wisdom in patience and being risky doesn't mean you're reckless, it means you're strong enough to brave the unknown. He was taught how to be both a risk taker and a caution taker. A good balance of the two.

Qrow: "So.." he said, trying to strike up a conversation. "Have any family?"

(Y/n) spares him a quick glance as they walked down the hall.

(Y/n): "My Daughter for starters and my... father." he said, hesitating a little.

Dooku was always a father figure to him, during and before the Clone Wars. After his actual parents perished, Dooku was the only thing he had. Dooku had saved him from death, trained him in the force and basically raised him. Though, he was such a fool for not seeing through the lies of the Sith. Ideally, Darth Sidious. (Y/n) has grown to hate that Sith lord.

Qrow: "Why the hesitation?" he asks, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

(Y/n): "it's complicated. He saved my life, trained me and raised me into the man I am now. I wouldn't have gotten far without him." he said, killing any suspicion that Qrow had.

Qrow: "What's his name?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Count Dooku. If there's anyone to thank for my ideals and motives, its him. He's the reason the fire of rebellion exists in me." he said. "He's a true rebel, and a true hero. In some eyes."

Qrow: "Some eyes?"

(Y/n): "After everything that's happened. I don't know if I should hate him for what he did or appreciate him for everything he's done for me. I'm just caught at a crossroad." he said.

Qrow: "I see, well I won't press any further. Seems like it's nothing I should get into." he declares.

(Y/n): "thanks." he said, genuine gratitude coming onto his face.

He appreciated it. He didn't want to go into detail on his past with Dooku. It would've taken him probably an hour or so. There's just so much to talk about. But now that he thinks about his relationship with his deceased master, he questions if it was a genuine one or if he was just faking it. Dooku did betray Ventress and Savage. Though, he knows that Sidious ordered it. But it stumps him to this day. Why did Sidious order Dooku to betray them and not him? Was he somehow useful to Darth Sidious' plans? He's glad that he'll never know because he's grown to absolutely hate Darth Sidious. When he returns to the known Galaxy to face the Galactic Empire, he'll make sure he personally takes out Darth Sidious. He was taken out of his thoughts by a commotion down the hall and Qrow noticed it too. But someone stood out to (Y/n). A girl with red hair that looked oddly familiar.

(Y/n): "Who's that?" he asks, pointing towards her. "She almost looks familiar."

Qrow: "That's Rias Gremory. Sirzechs' little sister." he answered.

(Y/n): "huh, no wonder she looked similar." he comments. "Will she be a problem?"

Qrow: "Shouldn't be. She isn't involved in Sirzech's schemes." he said.

(Y/n): "So she's innocent?"

Qrow: "as innocent as a Devil can be." he answers. "She doesn't even know her brother is using her."

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