CHAPTER 69-Within Darkness

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As the elevator doors opened, (Y/n) caught a glimpse of the other two Headmasters standing in front of the desk. Both Headmasters were talking about something but stopped when they heard the elevator door open. Turning their attention to the new arrivals, Sirzechs is the first to speak up.

Sirzechs: "Nezu. Where have you been?" he asks.

Nezu: "Just out fetching someone." he said as he, Qrow and (Y/n) walked into the room.

Ozpin's eyes land on (Y/n). He sizes him up and can sense an incredible power within him. So can Sirzechs. This actually brings great interest into their eyes.

Ozpin: "And who is this?" he asks, gesturing to (Y/n).

Nezu looked at him and silently beckoned him to introduce himself. (Y/n) steps up to introduce himself.

(Y/n): "I'm Darth Seraph. I hope my arrival wasn't so sudden." he says, introducing himself.

Ozpin: "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Seraph."

(Y/n): "Just Seraph is fine."

Sirzechs: "Darth is your surname?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Correct."

(Y/n) decided to use his Sith name for this undercover mission. He needed a fake alias so why not use his Sith name? He doesn't use it anymore so might as well give it another use. This way his real name remains hidden and his true identity as the Rebel Leader remains hidden. After all, he's undercover so better use a fake name and alias.

Sirzechs: "I don't wish to be rude, but why is he here?" he asks.

Nezu: "Well, I figured we could use some more experience to give to our students." he said. "I brought him here to become the newest member of our Staff."

Ozpin: "A New Staff member? Nezu, you are aware that he will have to be evaluated before he truly becomes a teacher. Besides, he hasn't even been to this Academy." he said.

Nezu: "I am aware. But he has been with Qrow for some time now and has enough experience that'll prove useful for our students." he said.

Sirzechs chuckles.

Sirzechs: "always looking out for the students, Nezu. Don't you think it'll get old?"

Nezu: "Nope."

Sirzechs: "Expected that answer."

Ozpin shakes his head at those two. Ozpin looks at (Y/n) who just stood there in silence.

Ozpin: "I apologize for getting off topic." he says with an apologetic look.

(Y/n): "It's fine." He played it off. "So, about me being evaluated."

Ozpin: "right. It's just a procedure to evaluate a new staff member. To test their abilities so we can accurately task you with the correct course." he said. "Since you're here by recommendation we need to evaluate you so we know exactly what you can do."

(Y/n): "How will you evaluate me?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

Sirzechs: "A simple combat test. Considering you have both Qrow and Nezu vouching for you, I'd imagine this would be a piece of cake." he explains.

(Y/n): "What kind of combat test?" he asks.

Nezu: "oh just a simple duel."

(Y/n): "Who's by opponent?" he asks.

Sirzechs: "eager to fight?"

(Y/n): "No. I just never back down from a challenge." he said.

Sirzechs: "That so? Then I'd imagine you'll fit right in." he said, smiling a little.

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