CHAPTER 64-A Night in the City

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Within Unity City sits a series of Warehouses alongside an open area with landing pads. This is the shipping district. A series of medium sized cargo Airships sat on the landing pads. The warehouses all had their lights off but one of the warehouses had its lights on. Inside this warehouse was a series of metal containers holding various items that had been stolen by a certain criminal mastermind. Said mastermind was pacing back and forth in front of a board that was covered in pieces of paper surrounding a map of Unity City. It was a large map but Roman wasn't focused on that. His men have been dropping left and right and Union isn't responsible. It's making him worried because he knows it's the Thorn Princess, someone he isn't very fond of. It's just a situation he isn't happy with. The goons around him in the warehouse see their boss' frustration and look at each other. The ringing of a phone is heard and Roman sighs.

The thief takes his phone out and answers.

Roman: "Kagami! It's been too long!" he enthusiastically greets.

Kagami(Phone): "Cut the crap Torchwick, I've been hearing how your boys have been taken out one by one." she says, not sounding pleased.

Roman: "Yes, yes. I know, I should've been more discreet." he said, sounding annoyed. "I'm being as discreet as possible here!"

Kagami(Phone): "Don't make me remind you about who you're stealing from. Apex has some of the most advanced weapons in Union, weapons that they won't give out for free. So don't screw this up!"

Roman: "I'm still wondering why the Head of the Tanaka Bandit Tribe of all people needs me to do this. Isn't stealing your whole thing?" he asks, a bit jokingly.

Kagami(Phone): "You'll know why in all do time. Just do your job." she said.

Roman: "kinda hard when I have the Thorn Princess after me." he humorously mentions.

Kagami(Phone): "what makes you say that?" she asks, fed up with his games.

Roman: "She's been killing my men left and right. There's a reason I'm being more reckless—I'm trying to get the weapons and supplies like you requested but it's hard when I have an assassin, breathing down my neck!" he explains, putting more volume into that last part of his sentence.

Kagami(Phone): "You've handled things much worse than this, Roman." she said, downplaying his worries.

Roman: "True. But Pro Heroes and assassins are two completely different things!" he retorts.

Kagami(Phone): "You'll figure it out. You always do." she said before hanging up on him.

Roman: "Figure it out!? Hello? Kagami?" he asks, his anger subsiding.

He then looks at his phone.

Roman: "What a bitch." he mumbles before realizing his error as two of his goons were right next to him. "U-uh, d-don't tell her I said that." he said, laughing nervously.

The two goons looked at each other before one of them shrugs his shoulders. The two then walk off to continue their patrol. Roman sighs and puts his phone away.

Roman: "Another day another earful from a Bandit Leader." he mumbles in frustration. "What my luck. Speaking of luck... where's Neo?"

He looks around and notices Neo was sitting on a wooden crate with ice cream in her hand.

Roman: "How and when did you get that?" he asks.

Neo looks at him and just smiles. Up above on the catwalk, one of the goons was leaning on the railing with his gun propped up beside him. He lets out a yawn but stops when he hears something get onto the catwalk. He turns to his right only to get a golden spike through his neck. He struggled but dropped. The person responsible rips out the golden stiletto styled knife. On the ground, Roman heard the metal thud of the catwalk and looked up. All he sees is the guard lying on the catwalk. A bit of blood then lands on his shoulder, and he reacts.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now