CHAPTER 73-New Job

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After his successful evaluation, (Y/n) was now standing in the office of the headmasters with Qrow. Nezu just held a smile as he knew that the infiltration was a success. Ozpin and Sirzechs were looking over the recorded battle, interested by (Y/n)'s abilities. It puzzled them as they want to know what kind of power (Y/n) has, but Nezu did say he keeps things close to his chest. Ozpin admits it's a good strategy, but Sirzechs is still adamant to figure out (Y/n)'s power.

Ozpin: "I will admit, your abilities are intriguing." he said.

Sirzechs: "Telekinesis and some kind of Speed power. That combined is a force to be reckoned with. What exactly is your power?" he asks.

(Y/n): "I'd rather not say." he said.

Ozpin: "Nezu did mention your keep things close to your chest, a good strategy. You never know when an ally can turn into an enemy." he said.

Sirzechs: "That is why we must remain vigilant." he adds.

(Y/n): "What do you mean by that?" he asks.

Nezu: "Well, Rebel activity has skyrocketed in recent weeks. They also seem organized." he explains.

Sirzechs: "That's what worries me. If these Rebels are organized enough to inflict damage to our forces, I dread to know what they could do if the Separatist States joined them." he adds.

Ozpin: "We can worry about that later, Director Louis is handling this problem and I have faith in him. You should to, Sirzechs." he said, attempting to calm the Devil down.

Qrow: "Speaking of which. Has he uncovered anything?" he asks.

Ozpin: "No. He's been quite busy, especially with that hunter of his." he replies.

A ding is heard and the elevator to the office opens. A man walks into the office. The headmasters take notice of him.

Sirzechs: "Henry. Right on time, we were just talking about you." he said, smiling a little.

(Y/n) and Qrow turn around and see Henry Louis walking towards them. Henry stands beside the two and addresses the headmasters.

Henry: "Sorry for popping in unannounced." he said, calmly.

Nezu: "oh no, it's fine. We were actually wondering about your progress in dealing with our Rebel problem." he said.

Ozpin: "Seraph, Qrow. Would you leave us? We'd like to speak to Director Louis, alone." he asks.

Qrow nods before he gestures for (Y/n) to follow him. Henry watches them as they enter the elevator. Once inside the elevator, Qrow presses a button. The door closes and Henry looks back at the headmasters.

Henry: "The Rebels have yet to make a move, which makes me cautious. A few UAV's that I've sent to Menagerie have been shot down so spying on the Rebels is no longer an option." he said.

Ozpin: "Any hopes on locating Esdeath?" he asks.

Henry: "negative. My guess is that the Rebels either killed or captured her. I'm thinking the latter is more possible."

Sirzechs: "What makes you say that?" he asks.

Henry: "Esdeath is a General in the United Forces. The information she holds is far to valuable to just let die with her. The Rebels will need that information if they wish to sustain a proper military campaign." he explains.

Nezu: "They managed to destroy Fort Bingham and defeat two fleets of airships. I think they can sustain a campaign well enough, even without her information." he adds.

Henry: "While that may be true, but if I was in there shoes, I would take that information. It would make future campaigns easier." he said.

Sirzechs: "Should we prepare our forces for a direct assault?" he asks.

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