CHAPTER 32-The Remnant

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On the Lucrehulk, (Y/n) was meditating in his chambers. Luna was with him as he wanted her to get a better hold of the Force so she could actually control it to do what she wanted with it. Unlike before. She is making good progress. Her emotions are a bit of an issue though, but he doesn't say anything about it as he's trying to draw her attention away from her past in order to focus on her current situation. Dwelling on the past won't get you anywhere. That's why they're meditating, he wants Luna to be calm and able to control her emotions like he can. Easier said than done. As they meditated together, he felt a weight appear on his right side. He opened his eyes and looked to see Luna had fallen asleep. Must not have gotten enough sleep. He quietly chuckles with a roll of his eyes. He carefully gets off the ground, picking up Luna in the process.

He walks over and puts the sleeping figure onto his bed for now. He doesn't need to rest at the moment so she can use it for now. With that done, he walks towards the door of the room and leaves the room so Luna can have silence. When the door closed behind him, (Y/n) heard a voice.

Nura: "So how was meditation?" she asks, leaning on the wall across from him.

(Y/n): "calm as ever. Though, Luna probably didn't get enough sleep. So, I'm leaving her to rest." he explains.

Nura: "Really?" she asks, amusedly. "Well look who's acting like a dad."

(Y/n): "the relationship of Master and Student tends to function that way." he dismisses.

Nura: "Is it really just you two being master and student?" he asks.

(Y/n): "What do you mean?" he asks.

Nura: "even though we've known each other for almost a week, I can see the bond you two have. That's not master and student, that's father and daughter." she explains.

(Y/n): "You think so?" he asks.

Nura: "Trust me. I might be a Bounty Hunter, but I know a thing or two about familiar relationships." she said. "My mentor was like a father to me. So, I can tell when a master and student relationship turns into a family."

(Y/n) just looks at her before looking towards the door to his room.

{Unknown Location, Mistral}

Groaning, Dolion sits up from the cold hard ground beneath him. Once he gets up, he continues to sit on the ground as he rubs his eyes. He opens his eyes to see what looked like a cell. It was bland and had bars blocking the only exit of the room. He sees Ervar is in the room with him and is still unconscious. He gets up off the ground and stands in the cell. Now standing, he notices that he's been stripped of his armor. Same with Ervar.

???: "About time you woke up." a females voice said.

Dolion looks to his right and sees a woman sitting on one of the beds in the room. She had dark brown hair and hazel eyes and sported the same clothing he and Ervar did without their armor. She was the Scout they came looking for.

Dolion: "Are you Sarah Brook?" he asks.

Sarah: "I am."

Dolion: "Where are we?" he asks.

Sarah: "Inside a rebel base" she says without care.

Dolion: "Is there a way out?" he asks.

Sarah chuckles.

Sarah: "nope." she replies.

Dolion heard groaning and looked over to Ervar who was getting up from being unconscious.

Ervar: "ugh, my head hurts." he says as he gets up off the ground.

Dolion walked over and helped him up. Ervar opens his eyes and looks around noticing they're in a cell.

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