CHAPTER 63-A Day in the City

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As they left the Nightclub, (Y/n) and Robyn seemed satisfied with the outcome of the two meetings inside that they had. Robyn was still a little nervous considering the Thorn Princess, but (Y/n) is as calm as can be. As they walked down the street, a pair of people rushed past them in the opposite direction. (Y/n) and Robyn had stepped out of the way in confusion before they felt the ground shake. They turn and notice some smoke rising not far down the street.

(Y/n): "Uh, is the city under attack?" he asks.

Robyn: "No, just a Villain." she said. "The Pro Heroes and other Huntsmen can take care of it."

Another explosion erupted which caused more people to panic. (Y/n) gave Robyn the look.

Robyn: "let's go." she said, before running towards the explosion.

(Y/n) follows her. They run as fast as they can—besides (Y/n) who just keeps up with Robyn—and eventually turn the corner to see a large villain whose body is made of stone. They are at least 11 feet tall. A few Huntsmen are around trying to fight them off but are doing poorly. The villain swats away two of the Huntsmen and then kicks the other to back. Breaking their Aura.

(Y/n): "How often does this happen?" he asks.

Robyn: "depending on the day and month, often." she said.

(Y/n): "Should we do something?" he asks.

As the two Huntsmen tried to get up, the stone villain raised his foot to crush them. But as he stomps, his foot is halted in place by an invisible force.

Villain: "huh?" He looks up and spots (Y/n) and Robyn.

(Y/n) then sends out a massive push through the Force which launches the villain back a good distance away from the Huntsmen team that it was previously fighting. He crashes into the ground, breaking the asphalt beneath him. The villain's stone body shifts and bulks revealing a strange red glow within.

(Y/n): "Well that's interesting."

Robyn: "What is?" she asks.

Huntsmen1: "Robyn Hill? What are you doing here?" he asks, in pain.

Robyn: "uh, my job?" she responds.

(Y/n) uses the force and grabs whatever was inside the stone villain. As the stone shell shattered, a man flew towards (Y/n) and stopped midair as (Y/n) looked at the man.

(Y/n): "So I take it you used some kind of telekinesis?"

Villain: "why would I tell you!?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Fair enough." he said before slamming him down on the ground.

This knocks the villain out cold. The 4 Huntsmen looked shocked, they struggled against that villain and (Y/n) just took him down without any effort. They questioned who exactly this guy was in their minds.

(Y/n): "That was easy."

Robyn: "yeah for you. I've never seen a power like that before." she compliments, disarming her weapon into its neutral state.

(Y/n): "Do you guys really deal with stuff like this daily?" he asks.

Robyn: "of course. The current system and bias created make people like this guy turn to crime. It's an unfair world, and within Union, only the Empowered reign." she said while walking closer to him.

(Y/n) sighs at this. He's seen many worlds with corrupt caste systems, but when it comes to corruption. He's only seen it at the peak with the Galactic Republic and now this damn government. Is this really how easily corruption spreads? He never liked the Mega Corporations at the helm of the CIS because of their questionable actions. But even he can recognize the need of the people. A Leader shouldn't focus on themselves, they should focus on the people they lead. Bettering their lives, not ruining them for self-gain and interest. It's why he hates Republican Senators. Nothing but self-interest and corruption. These are the things he fights against. He's a man of justice, liberty, freedom and equality. The very things Dooku preached about during the rally of the Separatists. His call to arms.

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