Prolouge: The Hunters Return

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This story is a crossover of Monster Hunter and Rwby, and my first story so, don't be surprised by certain things not making sense and what not. Anywho, on to the story.

Four veteran hunters stand on Astera's docks awaiting the ship meant to take them back to the main land. The four admittedly young hunters are one of the few reasons that the New World has gotten as far as it has. They're considered heroes by the people just for doing their job.

The four waiting are collectively known as the Sapphire Star, the guiding light of the new world, though each are individually known by the title in their own right. Each one being special in some way.

A large man in dark armor with a Switch Axe on his back approached a silver haired man in a red trenchcoat with a Greatsword on his back and his arms crossed as he stared out at the vastness of the sea.

Black Armor: "How many years has it been since we've seen the main land, Phoenix?"

The man in red, now known as Phoenix, glances back at the man in black armor.

Phoenix: "It's been around three years now, Nic... three long years..."

Nic full name Nicolas stared at Phoenix for a moment before speaking again.

Nic: "You have really got to stop your brooding. It gets to be a lot to deal with once and a while y'know."

Phoenix looks away back to the sea and shrugs, Nic sighs in obvious disappointment of his friend.
Two other hunters approach from the inner parts of Astera towards Nic and Phoenix one wearing purple Brigand armor with a wiggler head on and other wearing a flamboyantly colored suit complete with a top hat.

Wigglos: "We were looking for you two for a few minutes at the canteen. (Looks to Nic though his wiggler head bobs cartoonishly as he moves) Thought you two would stop for a meal, but you two have always been early risers."

Nic: "Phoenix and I did stop for a meal for the journey, but Phoenix is still brooding and antisocial as usual at this point."

Phoenix: "Rude to talk about someone literally behind their back when they are right here next to you."

Flamboyant: "Oh shut it, pointy ears, it's not like you're going to do anything about it."

Wigglos got between the Flamboyant man and Phoenix.

Wigglos: "We don't need to fight now, we're going home. Braydon, we still have to grab our weapons so c'mon."

Braydon: "I'm still questioning how Phoenix managed to survive this long, Conrad."

Conrad practically dragged Braydon off to go and get their weapons much to Braydon's dismay, leaving Nic to deal in awkward silence with Phoenix.

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