Chapter 1: First Steps

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I don't know if people absolutely roasted me or not because I'm writing this before anyone even reads the prolouge, soo have fun with that fact.

The four hunters didn't exactly know what to expect from Vale and how it'd changed over 3 years, but currently, Phoenix is wandering around Vale alone, listening to music on his scroll he got from Ozpin, the hunters picked up how to use scrolls quickly.

Phoenix sees a shop of interest called Dust til Dawn. He had heard about Dust from Ozpin and General Ironwood, but didn't see why you'd need it when elemental weapons were readily available in the New World, he entered the shop and was greeted by the shopkeeper and he began looking across at the many different weapons and parts on display.

He noticed a girl in a red cloak wearing headphones and reading a magazine about weapons, he wanted to know where she got the magazine from, but he was interrupt when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Phoenix looked back and took off his headphones, putting them around his neck.

Phoenix/Girl in Red: "Yes?"

Thug: "I said, put your hands in the air!"

Girl in Red: "Are you robbing me?"

Thug: "Yes!"

Phoenix: "Big mistake."

The girl in red made and O sound and proceeded to launch the thug out the front of the shop through a window. Phoenix was taken back by it, but saw the rifle in the girls hands as she jumped through the window and Phoenix followed taking his Greatsword off his back and preparing for a fight.

The girl stood up, transforming the rifle in a fucking Scythe, Phoenix was taken back at first then remembered he once used a greatsword that was similar to a scythe so, he can't really talk.

Thugs decided charging the two in red with oversized weapons was a good idea.
Phoenix stood ready for them, patiently he watched them charge almost recklessly at the greatsword user, the first to get close is closelined by Phoenix using the flat of the blade, he immediately ducks out of the way as the second thug slashes at him, Phoenix stabs the greatsword into the ground sweeping the thugs leg swiftly standing up and punching him square in the jaw he fell sending him headfirst into the pavement knocking the thug out cold.
Phoenix grabbed his greatsword weilding it with one hand and rushed over to help the Girl in Red.

The girl had already delt with the group who attacked her and now a ginger in a suit, smoking a cigar with a black bowler hat was speaking.

Ginger: "You were worth every lien...truly you were. Well little red and big red, much as I'd lover to stick around (he raises his cane up) I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

A sight pops up on the cane and he fires at the two. The Girl in Red dodges out of the way by jumping over and Phoenix rolled out of the way, in a kneeling position his Greatsword still at the ready, but he doesn't see the ginger anywhere when he looks. Phoenix gets up from kneeling and goes over to Little Red. He notices that she seems to have spotted the ginger as she looks at a building, Phoenix looks and sees the ginger get up the ladder on the building.

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