Chapter 3: Sapphire Star of Beacon pt. 2

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Phoenix awoke early in the morning, so early, in fact, he found no one else awake, though this was his usual only one other person that has ever gotten up as early as him and that's Nic, regardless he got up and stretched afterward he picked up his red coat and put it over his shoulder and walked out silently to get dressed, he put on his turtleneck, fingerless glove, boots, and the red trenchcoat, he also took his guns out of the locker putting them in the holsters in the coat, he decided to leave his greatsword in his locker for now and left to find his way around.

(Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Phoenix cleaning his guns)

Phoenix was walking through the Beacon courtyard trying to find where he could get some breakfast and ran into Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Ah, Mr. Nyūrando out for a stroll this morning as well?"

Phoenix: "Well, I was now I'm looking for any kind of canteen or cafeteria. And please just call me Phoenix, Professor."

Ozpin: "If that's what you'd like Phoenix, I can point you in the right direction, a hunter such as yourself does need his energy, especially for initiation."

Phoenix: "Right I do, just hope your kitchen staff can sup
ply a meal necessary to a hunter."

Ozpin: (chuckles) "You need not worry, Phoenix, it has been taken care of and you might see a familiar face as well."

With that Ozpin gave Phoenix directions and Phoenix went on his way to get some food before initiation. He didn't exactly understand what Ozpin meant by 'see a familiar face' but he soon learned that what he meant is that the Grammeowster Chef the teacher of the Meowscular Chef along with her palico chefs from Seliana.

Phoenix: "So that's what you meant Ozpin..."

Phoenix made his way over and Grammeowster Chef recognized the hunter and knew what he wanted and got the palico chefs and herself to work on the dish.

Phoenix found a seat in the mostly empty cafeteria, because of the Grammeowster Chef being there many palico's were going around taking people's orders and returning to what was once the lunch line. As Phoenix waited for his food, Ruby and Yang entered the cafeteria and were confused by the palico's but walked over and sat at the same table as Phoenix.

Ruby: "Sooo, what's with the cats?"

Yang: "I hope their hair doesn't get in my food."

Phoenix: "Those are Palico's for the Hunters Guild they usually accompany Hunters or serve as chefs, and don't worry the cute little buggers won't get hair in your food, the Grammeowster Chef wouldn't stand for it."

Ruby: "Did you have your own Palico, Phoenix? Since you said they accompany hunters."

Phoenix: (looks down at the table) "I did, he was my best friend, couldn't have asked for anything better, but we were separated on a hunt and I never found him, I hope to see him again one day."

Ruby: "Sorry if I accidentally brought up a sensitive topic."

Phoenix: (looks up with a sad smile) "It's alright, what happened is in the past and I can only hope that Buu is still out there somewhere still on the hunt."

As Phoenix finishes a palico comes up and takes Ruby and Yang's order's, after that a palico holding a platter over it's head comes and sets it in front of Phoenix, it takes the lid off and what could be considered a mountain of food was now in front of Phoenix.

Phoenix: "Thank you for the meal."

Phoenix dug in with occasional comments of how good the food is, it didn't take long for Ruby and Yang's food to arrive and they dug in too also with comments of how good the food is.

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