Chapter 51: Dark Days Ahead

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Time felt like it stood still for a few days after that light consumed Phoenix, Ruby has been unconcious for that time since she awoke her silver eyes and the strain of it as well as emotional distress put her into the state of unconciousness. Summer and Tai arrived in Atlas banged up but they'd ultimately live, same with Ozpin and Glynda. It looked like they had one helluva night. Qrow filled them in on what Phoenix pulled and the fact that Mistral City is now a crater because of him and that he was consumed by a multicolored light, Ironwood was also informed. Now there comes a major dilemma, the grimm rapidly evolved to counteract Phoenix's seemingly never ending power. They've moved faster then the technology could really keep up. Now to present times when Ruby finally wakes.

Ruby wakes up staring at the white ceiling of the hospital. She looks around the room seeing a few things from her parents, sister, and friends beside her bed.

Ruby: "What happened..."

Her eyes widen in realization as the memory comes back to just before it all went white.

Ruby: "...Wait....Phoenix!"

She tries to sit up and get out of bed, but the most she could achieve was sitting up. Tai looks in through the door and sees Ruby struggling to get her legs to move.

Tai: "Looks like your feeling better."

Tai's tone is somber and has bandages wrapped around his hands and forearms as well as a few around his head.

Ruby: "I need to...I need..."

Tai winces in pain slightly as he pulls a chair over and sits down with a far more somber look on his face.

Tai: "So, what do you remember before you fell unconcious?"

Ruby: "I remember that Phoenix stayed behind and he fought against the grimm and won...then...something took him away..."

Tai: "It's been a few days, there's hope he'll come back still, but how are you feeling kiddo?"

Ruby looked down at the blanket still covering her legs and gets a look that tells Tai all he really needs to know.

Tai: "Not so much worried about yourself, but about those around you, huh?"

Ruby looks at her father not understanding how he could tell.

Tai: "When you're around Summer for so long, you pick up on things she does. Especially when her daughter is a carbon copy. Just get some rest for now Ruby, the doctors said your legs probably won't work for a few days."

Ruby: "I still want to help..."

Tai: "Summer said the same thing and she's bound to a wheelchair right now since she broke an arm and a leg during the fight against the grimm."

Ruby: "Will she be alright?"

Tai: "We both know your mother is a lot stronger then she may initially appear. She'll be fine."

Ruby watches as Tai stands up and puts the chair back where it was and leaves the room. Ruby lays back in bed and stares at the ceiling.

Weiss is in her bedroom after being strong-armed into going back to the Schnee Estate. She looks around her spacious yet barren room thinking back to the crowded yet home-like feeling she got from the dorm back at Beacon. A knock at the door pulls Weiss from her thoughts and she answers it seeing Klein Sieben the closest thing she's had to father-figure for years despite him only being a loyal butler of the Schnee family. The yellow of Kleins eyes signify his happiness as is usual when he's with Weiss.

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