Chapter 54: Falling

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The past always catches up doesn't it? It may take a while but it will catch up eventually...won't it? Grimm fill the streets of Mantle, soldier's and huntsman alike trying to hold the line as civilian's run to evacuate, explosions, the roar of a dragon...but that's not where we should be begin.

(5 hours before Swarm)

General Ironwood paces in his office frustration clearly visible on his face.

Ironwood: "How much more information must we provide!"

His shouting falls on deaf ears as no one else is in the room. Ironwood continues to pace and shouting his thoughts that he cannot say to others. The ping of a call knocks him out of his thoughts, he takes a deep breath calming himself so he can actually talk to someone. He takes a seat behind his desk, fully composed. He answers the call. Winter comes up on the holographic screen.

Ironwood: "Anything to report?"

Winter: "The Winter maiden has passed...I have gained the power."

Ironwood: "An unfortunate passing, but we'll have to keep moving. Report to my office as soon as you can."

Winter: "Yes sir."

The call ends and Ironwood takes a deep breath, he hadn't expected the Winter maiden to die so soon, so he'll have to move things up in his plans. Ironwood stands from his desk and walks out of his office to go to the hidden research facility deep within the military compound in Atlas.

(4 hours before Swarm)

Ironwood walks through this facility which sits right under the noses of both Atlas council and the public at large, so very few know of this place. This place where Soma was given power similar to that of Phoenix. Ironwood reaches a door and presses his scroll to the pad on the wall beside the door, and the door opens allowing him entrance.

Ironwood: "How are things coming along?"

His question draws the attention of several scientists within the room but only one answers.

Lead Researcher: "They're still unresponsive, only sitting in the same position together since being removed from suspended animation."

Ironwood looks at the screen the researcher is looking at and two figures are sitting the chamber together, curled up in one another's embrace.

Ironwood: "How long have they been out of suspended animation for this time?"

L. Researcher: "It's been a few hours now and they haven't moved, even when prompted with food."

Ironwood sighs, he knew it wouldn't be easy to readjust them after so many years, but it's been weeks with little progress.

Ironwood: "We need more drastic measures. I'm going down there myself."

L. Researcher: "Are you sure, sir? We don't know how they could react, these are stil-"

Ironwood: "Two of the most talented huntsman and huntresses in recent history, yes. But, it has been week's without any significant progress. An attack could happen at any moment and we need everything we can get."

L. Researcher: "Yes, sir. Everything will be prepared."

Ironwood turns and begins to leave, then stops.

Ironwood: "And bring Hyakkimaru down, he may prove useful here."

L. Researcher: "I understand sir."

In the space The Linchpin is calling a temporary home he sits at the small desk he's tucked into the corner of the room, finishing up his most recent in a series of drawings of people he knows. A knock on the causes his appearance to shift from looking like Phoenix to the appearance the people here associate with Hyakkimaru.

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