Chapter 23: Rematch

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There were only actually two single matches shown during the Vytal Festival in the show being Yang vs Mercury and Penny vs Pyrrha, both of which didn't end well for anyone involved, so this is gonna be interesting to try and write. But I'm not going to focus on the single matches as much as the doubles.

Team RWBY, JNPR, and the Hunters are at breakfast that morning the single matches being at around noon, it's currently about 8:30. RWBY tried waking up Phoenix, but no amount of banging on his door woke him up. The Hunters obviously having a mountain of food each.

Jaune: "How do you guys manage to eat so much?"

Conrad: "Due to the conditioning of the New World our bodies had to adapt to process food into energy faster, bigger meals more energy."

Weiss: "That's fairly interesting."

Conrad: "Well that's what I would say if Phoenix didn't fuck it all up, he had normal portions of food in the New World, the rest was tea or alcohol, drunk Phoenix is batshit crazy."

Nic: "He also goes into a scottish accent for whatever reason, it's also hilarious watching him make terrible jokes with the same confidence that Yang flirts with Phoenix all while beating something far larger than himself to death."

Yang: "I should definitely take him out drinking some time."

Conrad: "Don't let him go out into a forest, he will come back the next morning convered in blood that isn't his own, we witnessed it more than enough to prove it. Also pictures, he truly looked like a demon."

Nic: "That crazed smile combined with him shouting at the monster to stop screaming."

Nic shudders at the thought.

Braydon: "I'm surprised he didn't get wasted before our match and kick all of our asses at once."

Phoenix comes into the cafeteria wearing his normal outfit minus a shirt still just cause, and comes over to the table sitting down at his usual spot.

Phoenix: "I sneezed on my way here, who was talkin shit?"

Nic: "We were talking about your Scottish psychotic breaks while drunk."

Ruby: "I don't want to meet drunk Phoenix, he sounds worse than Uncle Qrow."

Conrad: "When Phoenix is drunk he's mostly harmless."

Phoenix: (Scottish accent) "If I wanted to be harmful I could just fuckin kill ya!"

Nic: "Scottish Phoenix everyone."

A palico takes Phoenix's order.

Yang: "Interesting."

Blake: "Anything else about Phoenix we should know before Yang takes him out and he accidentally commits murder?"

Conrad: "Other than drunk Phoenix, we don't know what high Phoenix looks and sounds like, probably just as isane or completely mellow."

Phoenix: "I wouldn't doubt that."

Nora: "I want to meet drunk Phoenix. Break some legs with him!"

Yang: "Nora, me you and Phoenix are gonna go out to Juniors and we'll be drinking allll night. After the tournament of course."

Ruby: "NO! You're not taking Phoenix out drinking!"

Weiss: "It's completely irresponsible to go out and get drunk."

Yang: "Why don't we all just go to Juniors and have a fun night out after the tournament!"

Pyrrha: "A night out between all of us does sound fun, but I don't agree with the drinking."

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