Chapter 7: Forever Falls

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I hope you're prepared for what I like to call the power of bullshit.

Today would be an interesting day as the first years at Beacon were at the Forever Falls forest for a field trip. The forest was quite frankly beautiful the trees leaves were a brilliant shade of red, even Phoenix who had seen the sights of the New World did find the beauty in the forest. Professor Goodwitch led the group of first years from the bullhead into the forest, she looked back at the students addressing them.

Glynda: "Yes students, the forest of forever falls is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so."

Jaune is carrying a crate of some kind with far more jars than is necessary. Phoenix felt bad for Jaune, he still hadn't figured out how to deal with Cardin, but for some reason Phoenix had this feeling of existential dread, he looked up and noticed a black splotch in the sky, he looked back to Professor Goodwitch and thought nothing of it.

Glynda: "Each of you is to gather one jars worth of red sap. However this forest is full of grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o' clock. Have fun!"

Phoenix watched Cardin drag Jaune away after Jaune tried to go to his team. Phoenix walked over to Phyrrah.

Phoenix: "Think he'll figure out how to take that first step."

Phyrrah: "I hope so..."

Phoenix walked off towards team RWBY.

Ruby: "What was that about?"

Phoenix: "Jaune's issue."

Ruby made an O sound and team RWBY and Phoenix walked into the forest together, Phoenix couldn't help but feel nervous as they walked, Blake noticed.

Blake: "Are you okay, Phoenix?"

Phoenix: "Yeah, just something feels off...I just have this feeling of dread..."

Blake: "Let's hope your nervousness is unfounded today."

Phoenix: "Yeah..."


Phoenix had gotten his sap fairly quickly, Ruby had issues getting frustrated with it she threw the funnel to the ground in a huff. Phoenix walked over to Ruby.

Phoenix: "Ruby, do you need help?"

Ruby: "Yes..."

Phoenix helps Ruby get her sap and Phoenix got an extra jar of it.

Ruby: "Why'd you get another?"

Phoenix: "My master told me one time that the sap in Forever Falls forest is incredibly sweet and goes good in baking."

Ruby: "You can bake?"

Phoenix: "Sometimes, my master taught me to make her cookies, but I don't do it often."

Ruby: "...Could you bake some for me?"

Phoenix: "Yeah! Sure, anything for a friend, tell you what, next time I bake, I'll make some to you."

Ruby hugged Phoenix and went happily about her business, now thinking of the prospect of cookies.

Phoenix: "Never change, Ruby...Never change."

Phoenix heard something, it was faint, but it was sounded like a roar, he didn't want to take any chances, he went over to Yang, and gave her his jars of sap.

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