Chapter 30: It can only go so badly

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The week had passed quickly with word spreading around like wildfire that Phoenix had not one but two girlfriends. The first few days were the roguhest part as a lot of people were giving the three dirty looks, but a glare from Phoenix shut down most of it. The students from other academies had to go back to their own academies. Qrow was sent back out for info gathering and Raven had to go back to the bandit tribe. Classes are back in session as usual, but as Phoenix and Yang had agreed they'd fight one another. RWBY, JNPR, and Phoenix are heading combat class.

Yang: "Excited for today, Phoenix?"

Phoenix: "Of course."

Yang: "Ready to lose?"

Phoenix: "Maybe if we were in your dreams."

The group enters combat class and sits down, Phoenix notices a head of obnoxiously blonde hair sitting in the front rows.

Phoenix: (whispering) "Oh Oum damn it. Why is he here?"

Class starts and it slogs on for a while before getting to the practice matches.

Glynda: "We have time for a few practice matches who would like to go first?"

Phoenix and Yang immediately stand up.

Phoenix/Yang: "I would!"

Glynda: "Good, get your gear and come to the stage."

Phoenix and Yang grin at eachother then head out of class going to the lockers to get their gear then they come back in. Phoenix and Yang stand across from one another both smiling. Their faces and names on screens, Yang's aura being shown on the screen, Phoenix doesn't have an aura to be measured. Phoenix has all of his weapons, Ruinous Atrocity, Alatreon Revolution, Wilt and Blush, and finally the Pawns on him.

Yang: "Get ready to lose, Rebel."

Phoenix: "As if I'd lose to you, Goldilocks."

Yang loads shotgun shells into Ember Celica, Phoenix takes Ruinous Atrocity and Alatreon Revolution off his back.

Glynda: "Are the fighters ready?"

Both nod and Glynda raises her hand.

Glynda: "Let the match...(swipes her hand down) BEGIN!"

Phoenix and Yang run at eachother, Phoenix swipes at Yang with Ruinous Atrocity, but she jumps over the blade, it cleaves through the air, Phoenix swings Alatreon Revolution upwards forcing Yang to block as she flys back through the air. She hits the ground and rolls to her feet.

Phoenix: "The problem facing a dual weilder, two weapons to keep track of."

Yang: "Yeah, yeah."

Yang rushes at Phoenix again, Phoenix brings both greatswords down on her, she sidesteps the blades and hits a left hook to Phoenix's jaw. Phoenix stumbles back slightly, Yang closes in on him again, he raises his greatswords to block. Yang repeatedly punches the blades, she uppercuts the his guard breaking it. Yang closes in once more and performs a Dempsey Roll on Phoenix ending it with one mean uppercut sending Phoenix flying back. Phoenix manipulates himself in the air and slams his blades into the stage making him come to a stop. Yang rushes at Phoenix again, fists raised. Phoenix leaves Alatreon Revolution stuck in the stage and pulls Ruinous Atrocity out of the ground, he spins moving forward transforming Ruinous Atrocity into a scythe and hooking Yang with the blade. Phoenix spins her around and slams her into the ground, he raises the scythe up and swings down on Yang, Yang moves to the side, making sure to keep her hair from harms way. She gets back to her feet and slams her foot down on the handle connected to the blade of Ruinous Atrocity's scythe mode, making it get stuck in the stage, Phoenix lets go of Ruinous Atrocity and raises his fists.

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