Chpater 15: No Rest for the Wicked

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_WBY was confused as to why Ruby came back to the dorm in tears, and went into Phoenix's dorm, then shut and locked it making it so no one could get in. Phoenix hadn't returned, he wasn't returning calls either and none of them knew why, they didn't want to assume the worst, but Ruby wasn't in a good state to answer any questions.

The day after the dance, no one outside of team RWBY has seen Ruby since last night, all they know is that she went to their dorm in tears and hasn't come out since. Everyone would soon find out why as Ozpin called an assembly.

(Unknown location)

Phoenix woke up and gasped, he felt his chest, no arrows. He sat up and looked around and all he saw for miles around was just water, he spotted a tree not too far away and someone sat under it. Phoenix got up and walked over to the tree and saw that the man had on a long coat that's half red and half black, his hair was the same as Phoenix's half white and half black.

Phoenix: "Uhm, hello?"

The man looks back at him.

Stranger: "Ah, you're here, finally."

The man stands up and turns to him. Phoenix got a good look at his face, other than the scars and beard, it looked like he was looking into a mirror.

Phoenix: "What do you mean here finally?"

Stranger: "Well, I've been waiting for you of course."

Phoenix: "But, I'm dead now aren't I?"

Stranger: "Not quite, thankfully you had the Crimson Grimoire active as the fatal blow was dealt."

Phoenix: "The hell do you mean? And how do you even know about that?"

Stanger: "Well it's simple really, because I am you."

Phoenix: "Good joke, but who am I really speaking to."

Phoenix?: "Well, you can see my face, I'm not making it a secret who I am, I am you, and you are me."

Phoenix: "Then why appear to me now?"

Phoenix?: "Just an old tradition, really, but don't worry, with us death doesn't really...stick."

Phoenix: "The hell are you talking about?"

Phoenix?: "You see, you cannot truly die, especially not after the first experience of it, after this it won't take so long for you to ressurect."

Phoenix: " long has it been."

Phoenix?: "It is currently the next morning and Ozpin has called an assembly, you'll wake in a few minutes, but before that, I must inform you of what the other half of you is."

Phoenix: "I'm listening."

Phoenix?: "You see the other half of what you are possesses the unique ability to copy just about anything, from what are they called...semblance's? That sounds right, you can copy them and adapt them for your use or physical traits."

Phoenix begins feeling sleepy.

Phoenix?: "Ah, you're beginning to wake, until next time then."

Phoenix collapses.

(Beacon Amphitheater)

Ozpin is holding an assembly about the tragic death of Phoenix by an unknown assailant. Phoenix's coffin is on stage behind Ozpin as he gives his speech about Phoenix, but is interrupted when the lid of the coffin goes flying off its hinges and slams into the roof. The audience and Ozpin watch as Phoenix jumps out of the coffin in his nightwear surprisingly enough and streches.

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