Chapter 32: On the Run & Family Secrets

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Have fun reading, hopefully.

It's been about five months since Summer was captured everyday has been torture, relentless torture with Cinder becoming more and more unstable each day she can't get answers from Summer on how to hurt Phoenix, but today is different, today Cinder decided to head out on her own for a while. This left Summer, Emerald, Mercury, Neo, and a few White Fang deserters done with it all, the chance to make their escape. Phase one is just getting Summer out of the cell and to the where bullheads are parked, that was simple enough for them. The second part getting a fully fuelled bullhead was the issue, with such a large group they did have an idea. The group of White Fang deserters is around Emerald, Summer, Mercury, and Neo, acting as guards to Summer who is bound, blindfolded and gagged just to sell it. A higher ranking White Fang member approaches.

For simplicity sake we'll just call 'em HRWF Member.

HRWF Member: "You all are transporting the prisoner?"

Emerald: "Under Cinder's orders, yes. She said she found an even more secure location to keep her."

HRWF Member: "I don't see why she would do that, it doesn't get much more secure than this."

Emerald: "Are you questioning Cinder's orders?"

HRWF Member: "N-No ma'am!"

The high ranking White Fang member remembers what happens to those who speak out of line, they're incinerated. Emerald gives an almost sickly sweet smile.

Emerald: "Good, I won't tell Cinder you spoke out of line."

The White Fang member sudders and lets the group pass. Emerald sighs in relief that she was able to pull it off.

Mercury: "Using the fear of Cinder against them, couldn't of done it better myself really."

Emerald: "Oh shut it."

Mercury smiles and the group continues until they find an empty transport bullhead that's fully fuelled.

Mercury: "Like taking candy from a baby."

Emerald: "Let's load up, Neo you're piloting."

Neo gives a mock salute and goes into the bullhead getting into the pilot seat. The rest mount up, Emerald in the co-pilot, Mercury and the White Fang members all around Summer. The bay doors close and Neo gets the go ahead to take off, the bullhead takes off and once they get far enough they cut the signal. Emerald gets out of the co-pilot seat and heads to the cargo hold where the deserters, Summer, and Mercury are.

Emerald: "We just gotta make it to Beacon and we're home free, Mercury let Summer out of her binds, and ditch the masks guys."

The deserters all take off their masks and stomp on them shattering them. Mercury lets Summer from her binds, and she pulls the gag and blindfold off.

Summer: "Feels good to not be in a cage anymore, got my weapon?"

Emerald picks up an axe and throws it to Summer who catches it, she shifts it to a scythe, then a rifle, then back to an axe before putting on her belt. Summer looks down at herself.

Summer: "First thing I'm doing once we're to Beacon is a long shower."

Mercury: "And a new set of clothes, those are kinda burned and ruined don't cha think?"

Summer: "Yeah, I'll just have to get one of Phoenix's friends to take me shopping, I think her name was Coco?"

Faunus 1: "We'll meet the Hero of Vale? The faunus boy who spoke for the injustice of the world?"

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