Chapter 12: Can't Stop Now

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The morning after the fiasco with Torchwick was incredibly awkward for Summer and Phoenix, waking up in the same bed will do that, Summer clinging to Phoenix made it another level, and unfortunately for Phoenix he woke up first.

Phoenix: (gently shaking Summer) "Summer, wake up, Oum damn it, I need to get up."

Summer finally stirred awake after what felt like 15 minutes, but in reality was only around 5.

Summer: (yawns) "Good morning..."

It takes a minute for Summer to process the position she's in with Phoenix then she backs away from him and Phoenix was finally able to get up.

Summer: "Sorry about that."

Phoenix waves it off and gets out of bed, to go take a shower which he does rather quickly, and is dressed in his uniform for today. He came out and found Summer had already left, he could hear Summer and team RWBY on the other end of the door.

Weiss: "Why, no how were you even in his room?"

Summer: "I, uh, let myself in?"

Weiss: "How?"

Summer: "Through the window?"

Yang: "Mom are you making moves on Phoenix already?"

Summer: "What? NO! I just couldn't go back to Patch yet and I still have Tai after all."

Blake: "In all honesty is it couldn't or wouldn't?"

Phoenix opened the door and peeked his head out and saw Summer surrounded by _WBY, Phoenix was spotted by Yang as tried to go back in.

Yang: "There he is!"

Phoenix came out of the room.

Yang: "So, who made the move?"

Phoenix: "Yang, neither of us made a move on eachother."

Yang: "Aw, c'mon..."

Phoenix: "Yang, why are you of all people so adamant on finding out on if your mother, a married woman, mind you, made a move on her student and general friend?"

Yang stood there thinking for a second, but couldn't find a reason.

Phoenix: "Exactly, there's no reason is there."

Weiss: "I was merely concerned as to why she was in your room at all."

Phoenix: "I stopped questioning her antics after about a week. This is par for the fucking course."

Summer glares at him then grins sinisterly.

Phoenix: "No...Summer, don't you dare..."

Phoenix starts backing away then Summer runs at him and Phoenix runs away from Summer.

Summer: "You must abide by the Swear Jar, Phoenix Igantia!"

Phoenix: "Fuck off!"

Summer: "Swear Jar!"

Summer is able to tackle Phoenix and places Ruby's swear jar on his head as she sits on his back. Phoenix grumbles and puts 10 lien in the jar.

Summer: "The swear jar is eternal, Phoenix."

Phoenix: "I hate it when you're like this..."


Phoenix is now in Combat Class watching as team CRDL is fighting Phyrrah and losing, it's quite entertaining for Phoenix to watch. The match is over.

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