Chapter 31: A Devil's Past

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This is pretty much going to be one big flashback at different points in time switching to present day at some points. Have fun with it. This may actually cause some inconsistencies with the story in terms of past chapters, but that's a problem for future me.

The Igantia household sits peacefully deep in the forests of Mistral, almost completely shut off from the world other then the ability for internet. The parents of the then six year old Phoenix, his mother Daruka Igantia, and his father Andras Igantia are sat out on the porch of the house watching their son run about the yard in the small clearing they've carved out for themselves. Phoenix is chasing a small snow white rabbit that hops quickly away from the boy, he trips over the roots of a tree and faceplants, the rabbit getting away. Phoenix gets up and frowns.

Phoenix: "It got away..."

Daruka comes over to Phoenix.

Daruka: "Are you okay? You fell pretty hard Tweety."

Phoenix: "I'm alright, mommy. See?"

Phoenix gives his mother a toothy grin, his shirt is covered in grass stains and his face has dirt stains on it. Daruka smiles at Phoenix and holds out her hand to Phoenix.

Daruka: "Come on, let's get you cleaned up before dinner."

Phoenix: "Okay, mommy."

(Present Day)

Phoenix: "I was not the brightest kid, but I was only six at the time so, y'know."

Yang: "You sound like you were adorable as a kid."

Ruby: "Wasn't tweety the nickname mom gave you?"

Phoenix: "I guess mom's just really like calling me that, I couldn't tell you why. Let's go back to the story."

(Igantia household - Phoenix age six)

Phoenix ran through the forest following his father.

Andras: "Remember, there might always be something bigger than you in these forests so you need to be careful."

Phoenix: "Alright."

The father and son kept running till they found a small clearing with some wildlife gathered around a small pond. The two crouch in the woods.

Andras: "See the ones with antlers? (Phoenix nods) When hunting you go after those ones if you see the ones without the antlers having smaller ones. Do you know why?"

Phoenix: "Oh, it's because...the one's without antlers are mothers."

Andras: "Correct, the general rule of thumb is to find a buck and get the arrow to go through it's head so the meat isn't damaged and stays of good quality and the pelt will also be of good quality."

Phoenix: "I see."

Andras: "Now watch."

Andras takes a bow off his back and nocks an arrow then draws back the arrow, taking a deep breath and steadying his breathing. Andras lets the arrow fly and pierces through a bucks skull killing it as the rest of the deer scatter.

Phoenix: "That was so cool!"

Andras: (smiles) "Next time we go hunting, you'll get your first kill."

Phoenix's eyes brighten as he looks up at his father.

Andras: "For now, let's get the kill we have and take it home."

The two go and secure the kill, Andras explaining every step to Phoenix. They then transport it back to their home.

(Igantia household - Phoenix age seven)

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