Ending A: Brighter Tomorrow

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This is the first ending of the series, since the events make it so the fall of beacon never occurs thus making the events of of the end of Volume 3 and Volume 4 onwards stop completely, this won't necessarily be long, but enjoy.

Team RWBY went ahead of Phoenix and Phoenix answered the call.

Phoenix: "How'd it go Conrad?"

Conrad: "We fucking got them, all four of them."

Phoenix: "Perfect, everything went to plan?"

Conrad: "We lost a few men, but otherwise, we're good."

Phoenix: "How did you manage to restrain them?"

Conrad: "Well, after your fight with the Ruiner Nergigante, your previous greatsword was clean in two, Atlas' military got there to secure the site and took the blade back to Atlas, and the R&D guys here made special restraints from the material of the blade that cancels out semblance's."

Phoenix: "As long as they don't slap on me I can see how it'll be helpful, what about the person shorter than average?"

Conrad: "She got caught too, I did say all four of them didn't I?"

Phoenix: "Well, I suppose alls well, it ends well, see you Conrad."

Conrad: "Catch you on the flip side."

Phoenix hangs up and joins team RWBY inside.

(Now let's detail what would happen if this were to happen)

Phoenix and team RWBY celebrate their success, during the Vytal Festival the White Fang tries to attack Beacon believing the plan is still on, Adam Taurus himself even shows, but with the hunters of the Sapphire Star there it was swiftly put down, Adam Taurus was taken into Atlas custody not long after. The rest of the Vytal Festival tournament and event goes off without a hitch, I'll leave it up to you who won the festival. Without the fall of Beacon and the most important pieces in the queens game now in custody and headed for execution for treason against the four kingdoms, the next three years of Phoenix and team RWBY's time at Beacon go off without a hitch, after graduation, they're all officially Huntsman and Huntresses, and now team RWBY and JNPR are in the process of becoming Hunters for the Guild to go to the New World. Once they do become Hunters the Sapphire Star along with team RWBY and JNPR go to the New World, the Hunters are soon called to Castle Schrade on reports of Fatalis appearing, Fatalis does appear and the now 12 hunters take it on, in the end the Guiding Light of the New World do take down Fatalis, but not without almost irreversible damage to what remains Castle Schrade. Years pass and eventually Ruby does unlock the abilities of the Silver Eyes and is trained in it by Summer, with that the goal becomes to take down Salem...this does inevitably happen. Now to the present times with our titular main character Phoenix Igantia, he has stopped hiding who he is from everyone, to his surprise, no one cared about his name, at least most people didn't, there were still some who believed the Igantia family was nothing but evil, but Phoenix proved them wrong with his accomplishments as a Huntsman and Hunter. Now to his present day as a teacher at Beacon, the Grimm population since Salem's defeat has gone down, but not disappeared completely.

Phoenix stands behind a group of students, they're facing the bay doors of the bullhead, he looks to the pilot.

Phoenix: "Think they'll do well this year?"

Pilot: "Long as they're not crazy. We're over the Emerald Forest now."

Phoenix: "Good."

Phoenix steps through the crowd of students to the front of them.

Phoenix: "Alright, everyone! Ready for some chills, thrills, and kills!"

The students give a cheer and pilot looks back at Phoenix.

Pilot: "Must you say that everytime?"

Phoenix: "Yes I must! Now, you all will be hot dropping from this bullhead, you'll come up with your own landing strategy, if you don't jump, I will not hesitate to kick you out, and that won't be fun."

Some students seem nervous.

Phoenix: "Now, don't you worry if anything appears that I know you can't handle, I will show up, but the Emerald Forest should just be full of low tier grimm. Your opjective is relics in a temple on the north side of the forest. Once you've collected it, head to Beacon Cliff on the south side. Oh, and don't hesitate to destroy everything."

Phoenix hits the release for the bay doors and it opens up.

Phoenix: "Don't be discouraged by this, you made it to Beacon, you can do it. Now get on out there and kick some grimm ass!"

Phoenix pumps his fist into the air and the students run past him and jump from the bullhead, a few are standing there terrified.

Phoenix: "If you feel this is too much, we can set down and you can leave, no harm no foul."

The few remaining finally muster up their courage and jump.

Phoenix shuts the bay doors and heads back to the pilot.

Phoenix: "Had a few scared this year, I think they'll do just fine."

Pilot: "Phoenix, got reports of a Raging Brachydios down there, sorry."

Phoenix: "Damn, didn't even get to sit down this time. Alright, be back in a flash."

Phoenix heads back to the bay doors and opens them up, he spreads his wings and gets sucked out of the bay, he can see the students running from the Raging Brachy, he smiles and comes down on it in a torrent of flames, Ruinous Atrocity cutting through its head armor. He jumps off the monster with a smile, he looks back to the students.

Phoenix: "Stay and watch if you want, but no one will fault you for running, your only objective is the relics."

Phoenix looks back to the Brachy and charges.

And that's Ending A, these chapters will be relatively short if I feel that the general plot is going to be disrupted too much by events.

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