Chapter 22: Tempting Fate

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Phoenix left the arena and met with RWBY. Ruby immediately running to him with stars in her eyes talking a million miles an hour.

Ruby: "Whatwasallthat?! Howdidyousummonthatbeasthead!? Howdidyouwalkoutwithoutmanymarks!?"

Phoenix smiles at her as the rest of RWBY walks over to Phoenix and Ruby.

Phoenix: "It wasn't much, just felt correct is all."

Yang: "Watching you throwing punches must've made Nic walk out hurting."

Phoenix: "I didn't mean to hurt him too badly...It's like...I dunno..."

Phoenix was at a loss for words to describe why he did what he did. The whole power of darkness, he just said it without thinking.

Blake: "Well, whatever it was, you did win."

Weiss: "I suppose your victory was sufficiently impressive."

Phoenix: "Coming from you Weiss, that's high praise."

Weiss turned away with a hmph, but had a barely visible smile.

Yang: "The doubles matches aren't to start till tomorrow since you and your friends fight was such a spectial to behold."

Ruby is almost bouncing from excitement trying to figure out how Phoenix was able to do what he did, appearing in different spots around him poking different parts of him and Ruinous Atrocity, she accidentally turns it into a scythe and jumps back startled as Phoenix chuckles and looks back at Ruby, grabbing the handle of Ruinous Atrocity and putting it on his shoulders.

Phoenix: "Startle yourself there, Rosebud?"

Ruby: "I just really realllllyyyy want to know how you did all that stuff!"

Phoenix twirls Ruinous Atrocity's scythe form it turning it back into a greatsword and places it on his back in one fluid motion.

Phoenix: "I haven't even figured it out myself, let's head to the fair grounds and get something to eat, I'm starving."

Phoenix puts his hands in his pockets and heads off where he got his gear from to put away Ruinous Atrocity for now.


Phoenix has forgone a shirt much to the displeasure of Weiss, he's now wearing his red trenchcoat the Pawns tucked away in the holsters in the coat, black hakama pants with the red belt, fingerless glove on his right hand, and full leather glove on his left hand, black boots. Phoenix is walking ahead of Team RWBY with a smile, he turns to them walking backwards

Phoenix: "So, where should we head to eat?"

Weiss: "Must you be shirtless?"

Yang: "We could head to that the shop we went to a couple days ago."

Blake perked up immediately.

Blake: "We should go there."

Phoenix: "Enjoy the fish?"

Blake: (excited) "YES! (Composes herself) I-I mean, yes."

Phoenix: "If we go there I'll pay again, I've got the lien."

Weiss: "You really don't have to, Phoenix."

Phoenix turns around on his heel and puts his hands behind his head as he walks.

Phoenix: "But I want to, you all have made my stay at Beacon enjoyable, let me do this for you guys."

Team JNPR as well as Nic, Braydon, and Conrad spot Phoenix and RWBY and come over. Nic had his armor back on helmet on his head once more.

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