Chapter 18: A Brief Respite

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Team RWBY went ahead of Phoenix and he answered the call.

Phoenix: "Everything good, Conrad?"

Conrad: "They...they got away, we lost some men in the scuffle, not a huge loss, but what is a huge loss is the fact they stole a fucking Bullhead loaded with Dust! Last it was tracked was going over Mistral, but it's gone dark ever since. FUCK!!"

Phoenix: "Well, we did our best, we can only wait and see how it'll all turn out...fuck..."

Conrad: "I'll talk to you later, Phoenix, shit ton of paperwork."

Phoenix: "I won't hold you then."

Phoenix hung up and stared at the scroll. Phoenix sighs and catches up to RWBY.

Weiss: "Who was the call from?"

Phoenix: "It was from Conrad, plan I had went tits up and now Cinder and her cronies have an Atlas Bullhead loaded with Dust that went dark over Mistral."

Ruby: "We caught Torchwick, so it's not all bad."

Phoenix: "You're optimism never ceases to amaze, Ruby, but yeah it's not all bad, Roman is in custody."

Phoenix and RWBY stopped and watched the sun beginning to rise. They have had a long night.

Yang: "So, what now?"

Weiss: "I would say training for the tournament, but I think after our night we don't necessarily need to start."

Blake: "So then what?"

Phoenix: "Sleep?"

Yang: "I can get behind that."

RWBY let out a collective yawn.

Ruby: "To bed!"

_WBY gave a weak cheer and began trudging off to their dorm, Phoenix followed behind them.

(Small Timeskip)

It didn't take long for the five to reach their dorm, Phoenix immediately walked to his dorm through RWBY's, he didn't need the sleep as much as they did, but that nap did not do it for him. He got to his room, he got everything in order first, Ruinous Atrocity on it's stand, Pawns on the desk with thier holsters, clothes he was wearing neatly folded for washing, shower taken, nightwear put on, and now bed.

As sleep took Phoenix he felt this pulling sensation and was no longer in the land of the awake.


Phoenix awoke in the same strange place he did when he died before, the same man was standing before Phoenix.

Phoenix?: "Ah! Awake again, I hoped my summons worked."

Phoenix: "Well, you've got my attention, you need to tell me something?"

Phoenix stood up and stared at his older self.

Phoenix?: "Indeed I do, but before all that, I should welcome you properly. Welcome to the Everafter, a land between dream and reality, every story, every hope, every wish, all here, I suppose you could call it humanities collective unconscious."

Phoenix: "Well, that's confusing, but that leaves you, who are you?"

Phoenix?: "Well, I am the hero of the great war, the first Igantia, ironic that you share my name and appearance, for simplicity let's just call me Igantia."

Phoenix: "This is so very confusing."

Igantia: "Indeed it is, and I can tell your Grimoire is evolving slowly, but it is evolving, and you used mimicry, what were their names, Ruby and/or Summer's semblance, and Yang's semblance, you mimicked them, quite impressive really going back to back like that."

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