Chapter 48: Rebel 2 and A Late Realization

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Willbreaker has no idea how to deal with this metaphorical hole in his chest, so he stops following RWBY and Phoenix and disappears going to a nearby village calling up grimm to stage an attack on the village. Willbreaker gets a twisted smile on his face and walks forward to destroy the village.

A few hours later Team RWBY and Phoenix arrive at the village having rushed there seeing the smoke billowing upwards.

Ruby: "There's a huntsman injured here!"

A huntsman lays on the ground barely conscious with blood pooling around him. The five get over to him with Ruby kneeling beside him.

Ruby: "What happened here?"

Huntsman: "Grimm....suddenly attacked....don't know why...."

Weiss: "You'll be okay, we can get you help."

Huntsman: "No way...lost too much blood...Listen I've got a family....they live in Mistral City...."

The huntsman raises a bloodied hand and puts a hand on his necklace.

Huntsman: "My necklace...take it to them..."

Yang: "You'll get back home alive...You will."

The huntsman smiles and lays his head back losing what conscious he had left.

Yang: "Hey! Hey, wake up!"

Ruby: "Yang...he's gone."

Phoenix pulls his hood to cover his face slightly.

Phoenix: "We can at least give him a proper burial here."

Blake: "It's the least we can do."

Phoenix kneels down beside Ruby and takes the Huntsman's necklace, storing it in his inside pocket.

Weiss: "We never did get his name."

Phoenix: "His scroll with have his id as a huntsman, if he's got it on him that is."

Ruby: "Is it really okay to do something like that? Searching through his scroll?"

Phoenix: "His family at least deserves peace, he may not have saved the village, but he fought to protect it."

Phoenix finds the mans scroll in his pocket and figures out the mans name.

Phoenix: "Alluvia Amber. Now we know his name."

Phoenix stands up and puts the scroll with the mans necklace.

Weiss: "Should you really keep that?"

Phoenix: "If the family doesn't believe that he's dead from just the necklace, they'll have to believe the scroll."

Ruby: "Let's bury him and try to find survivors."

The five of them bury the huntsman and begin looking around the village entering through the broken down gates. The five begin walking through the destroyed village. They reach town center at the same time as four familiar faces.

Pyrrha: "You all are here?"

Ruby: "JNPR? What are you guys doing here?"

Jaune: "We were told to come from Mistral to meet you guys, but not Phoenix as well."

Weiss: "Well we didn't expect to see you guys here at all."

Ren: "It's strange for you all not to be informed of meeting your sister team."

Ruby: "We can discuss it later, for now we need to find survivors."

???: "Good luck with that!"

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