Chapter 9: Best day ever

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I actually forgot the ending that happens during the Volume 1 finally, so I'll wrap that up quickly then, Volume 2 will have officially started.

Ozpin was watching the entirety of what happened at the docks and is interrupted by a message from Qrow saying 'The queen has pawns'. Ozpin got up from his desk and looked out the window overlooking Vale for a moment, then walked away.

Now Volume 2 can start proper.

Phoenix is walking down the streets of Vale, he was trying to figure something out, he wanted to get gifts for Team RWBY and JNPR since they've been good to him so far, he wasn't paying attention and accidentally walked into a green haired girl and boy with silver hair.

Phoenix: "Oh, sorry bout that."

He feels something off and grabs the wrist of the green haired girl going for his wallet.

Green hair: "How did you-"

Phoenix: "Quite rude to try to rob someone after they apologized for walking into you."

Phoenix lets go of her wrist and notices both of them are sort of on edge from Phoenix being Phoenix.

Phoenix: "I haven't exactly seen you two around here before, doubt I'll see you again, but if I do should probably know your names."

The two look at eachother then back to Phoenix.

Green hair: "I'm Emerald."

Silver hair: "And I'm Mercury, I think I've seen you before, somewhere."

Phoenix: "I wouldn't doubt it, I am well known around Beacon."

Mercury: "That's where! You're the Sapphire Star of Beacon right?"

Phoenix: "Guilty as charged. Anyways what brings you two to Vale?"

Mercury: "Oh we're looking for a book store."

Phoenix: "Huh, so was I, got one in mind?"

Emerald stares at Phoenix, almost studying him then she gets this slight smirk.

Emerald: "Actually we do, you can come along with us if you'd like."

Phoenix: "Why not."

Mercury: "Cool, do you like comic books by chance?"

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Phoenix and Chibi Mercury reading comics)

The three head to a bookstore called Tukson's Book Trade, the three enter the bookstore, Phoenix heads off to see if there's  a book Blake would enjoy here, Mercury looks for any comics, and Emerald heads to the front desk and rings the bell.

Tukson: "Coming!"

Tukson emerges from the back holding a pile of books he moves back turning slightly towards Emerald.

Tukson: "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun! How may..."

Tukson stops upon seeing Emerald and stares.

Phoenix emerges from the romance section ironically enough, he found something he thinks Blake might like, it appears to be a sequel to a book he sometimes sees her hide under her bed for some reason.

Phoenix starts to go walk out, but stops, something feels off about this.

Tukson: "How may I help you?"

Mercury: "Just browsing."

Mercury snaps a book shut.

Emerald: "Actually...I was wondering, do you have any copies of Thief and the Buture?"

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