Chapter 5̶̡̡͍̰̲̝̣̦̈́̄̈́̃͝2̷̖̠̯̞̽̀͋: Time...

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Huh, I couldn't live with my failures so where did it lead me...back here. This is a little all over the place, have fun.

Time is a fickle thing never works as one would originally imagine.

A momorial stands in a desert, a few names are etched into the stone. It has to be recent there's no wear from the sand and it's barely buried. But the names etched onto the stone are,

Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Yang Xiao Long
Blake Belladonna
Jaune Arc
Conrad Schwarz
Nicholas Ākala
Braydon Kitirino
And far below the rest barely visible above the sand, Phoenix Igantia

But why would there be a memorial in the desert to people who all except one should be alive? Willow Schnee, Winter Schnee, Summer, Taiyang, Qrow, and Ozpin are all standing near the memorial. Summer removes the sand blocking Phoenix's name from being properly seen.

Summer: "Why is his name so far down?"

It's definitely not the first time she's had a grievance about this.

Qrow: "Sum, he still brings up a lot of bad mem-"

Summer: "It's been 5 YEARS! And they all got out of Mistral City safe...he died protecting them. And all they do is drag his name through the mud!"

Summer is nearly to tears with anger and grief, she believes that one day Ruby and Yang will come back to her...but Phoenix it's not so certain for her. The first thing she did ask of Raven was to see if she could find Phoenix due to the one sided connection. She couldn't.

Tai: "There's nothing we can do now...all we can do is hope."

Willow: "A sentiment has been going around the city, "On silver wings, hope flies" or something to that effect."

Ozpin: "Their words and sacrifices have begun to bring the world together, all we can do is move forward and hope we do good on the legacy they've began."

The five stay for a while the sun beating down on them before they turn away from the memorial walking away.

It seems a lot of time has passed...

Oooo first person for the first time oooO

What does it feel like when time stands still?

Not a question one would typically ask, huh? Well I can give you the answer. Hell. These damn corridors, every time I complete an area I'm always sent back to these frustrating white halls. It's never cold enough to make me shiver but not hot enough to be sweltering, just enough of both to be uncomfortable. That's not even the worst part, these...things roam the halls, it's like they can see me yet can't see me at the same time, like I can catch them looking at me but never at me. More like through me. It's like I'm just there enough to be visible to them but not enough for them to understand what I am or where I am exactly. I suppose I should explain exactly why I'm ranting about this damnable place. Well let's go back Oum knows how long, if I had to guess maybe two, maybe three and a half years? I dunno. But I woke up after that flash of light, a hazy memory being my only recollection of what happened at that moment. To be honest it's still kind of hazy, anyways after waking I recollected myself and did the only thing I could think to do especially after Albion being entirely's been real lonely. So I walked, and after a while I found myself in a world I knew was definitely not my own. I completed what I could and was sent back to these white halls. I'm only pulled into a world for a brief section then I get dragged back into these halls. It's like when you replay a game from a checkpoint or beginning a book at a bookmark, there's no prior explanation, you're just there until the end of that section of the story....I wonder how the other's are doing? I hope Ruby and Blake are okay, and Weiss, and Yang...and Nic, and Braydon, and Conrad...and everyone I guess. I should get going now, these things are looking at me again. As I walk through the ever turning white corridors I'm eventually brought to a place that seems familiar but is crumbling now. A large arching door stands before me, roots or leafless vines have begun to crawl up the door. All around weapons are strewn about...corpses too, they all seem frozen.

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