Chapter 5: Jaunedice Pt. 1

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It's been about three weeks or so at Beacon and Phoenix has genuinely enjoyed the time he's spent at Beacon, except for today, today he's fucking furious, and people noticed, boy did people notice, he's sitting in combat class, his greatsword in front of him gripping the hilt so tightly he's shaking with anger, the look on his face is downright terrifying, and the glare received if anyone tries to get his attention, they just back off afraid, even team RWBY is afraid of that glare. Why is he so angry, Jaune is fighting Cardin in combat class and losing...badly.

Jaune charges at Cardin bringing down his sword in a vertical slash which Cardin dodges, Jaune is surprised and looks back at Cardin, Jaune raises his shield and is met by Cardin's mace slamming into the shield making Jaune go flying and his shield to be knocked away. Jaune stays standing and holds his sword with two hands and yells out then charges at Cardin doing another vertical slash at Cardin which Cardin blocks with his mace.

Cardin: "This is the part where you lose."

Jaune: "Over my dead-"

Cardin kicks Jaune making him fall to the ground, fueling Phoenix's anger even more. Jaune falls to the ground cluching his torso still holding his sword woth one hand. Cardin raises his mace, but is stopped by Phoenix's greatsword impaling itself on the ground in front of him and a buzzer going off.

Glynda: "That wasn't-"

Glynda stops herself as she sees the look of pure rage and hate on Phoenix's face directed solely at Cardin.

Glynda: "Mr. Nyūrando, please retrieve your sword and return to your seat."

Glynda has Phoenix's glare turned on her and she considers backing down, but Phoenix follows directions and goes to the arena and retrieves his blade.

Glynda: "Now, as you can see students, Mr. Arc's aura has dropped into the red, in a tournament style duel this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle, and that the offical may call the match. Mr. Arc it has been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat, gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is time to move to a more...defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself."

Cardin walks off the arena and Phoenix puts his greatsword on his back and helps Jaune to his feet. Phoenix's glare still fixed on Cardin.

Phoenix: "I'll kill 'im."

Jaune: "No need to get so violent, Phoenix, I'm fine, really."

Phoenix's gaze softens and he turns back to Jaune and the two walk off the arena and back to their teams.

Glynda: "Remember everyon, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale. So, keep practicing, those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale.".

The bell rings signaling the end of class, Jaune seems dejected over his overwhelming loss against Cardin as Phoenix, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR.

(The cafeteria)

Nora is telling a story as most of the table was not paying attention. Phoenix was devouring his usual mountain of food, Yang was listening intently, Weiss was filing her nails, Blake is reading a book, Ruby seems mildly interested, Jaune isn't paying any attention, Phyrrah is also listening to Nora's story but doesn't look as interested as Ruby or Yang, and Ren is correcting Nora's story.

Nora: "So there we were, in the middle of the night."

Ren: "It was day."

Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursai."

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