Chapter 52: What Now? er...Who Now?

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It's been a few weeks since Atlas has gotten two cities worth of refugees. Mantle and their representatives are not happy about the influx of people in the already crowded city. An intense out of season blizzard has made it difficult to get imports from what's left in Vale and Mistral as well as Vacuo, it's made heating all the more important to the two cities and with the grimm's bleeding them damn near dry. A convoy of trucks driving through the blizzard to get food to Mantle and Atlas, moving forward at a steady but fast pace the leading truck almost doesn't see the man come into view walking in front of them. The convoy comes to a stop. Robin Hill activist for Mantle.

Robin: "I'm going to see what that guys deal is."

Robin Hill puts on her hood and pulls up her mask and Robin bundled up in snow gear hops out of the passenger seat.

Robin: "Hey! What are you doing all the way out here!?"

The man looks back his eyes having clear bewilderment in them, a heavy white fur coat on him, his arm covering a majority of his face and a hood hiding his hair.

???: "How..."

Robin: "C'mon, we can get you to Mantle, second truck from the last."

The man doesn't say much just nods and trudges through the snow to the truck she talked about and she gets back into the leading truck, the man climbs into the back of the truck with a couple other refugees. The convoy starts back up making their way to Mantle.

Driver 1: "You sure it's a good idea?"

Robin: "No one should be out in that blizzard, plus the grimm would've torn him apart."

The howl of the wind just outside and the multiple engines going through the snow is just about all that can be heard until the distinct howl of an Alpha Beowulf.

Robin: "Shit!"

Robin grabs the radio, and begins talking to the rest of the convoy.

Robin: "Speed up! Grimm are out there!"

The convoy begins to speed up trying to keep a steady pace as to not slide in the snow and ice. It doesn't take long for the second truck in convoy to be attacked by a Beowulf. The veers off to the left and right tipping and sliding off the path.

The refugees in the third truck get scared hearing the sounds of fighting and screams. The man gets up from his seat and jumps out of the truck.

Robin: "Keep moving!"

The ones fighting as a Beowulf pack closes in on the truck slowly, bullets hit the Beowulf but bounce off the bone on them, then out of nowhere they begin dropping like flies, the distinct sounds of revolvers firing back to back, the ones fighting see their savior as the man who was picked up just a bit ago holding two revolvers one gold the other silver. The man runs through the snow and kicks a Beowulf sending it flying...who the hell did they pick up?

???: "Guess they aren't as tough as the stories would make them out."

The man reloads joining them by the tipped truck continuing to fire at the Beowulves, eventually the Beowulves are chased off. The man holsters his revolvers and grabs his hood and pulls it back down as it was about to get blown off, he approaches the soldiers.

???: "What now?"

Soldier 1: "We wait for evac."

Soldier 2: "If it even comes! Or we freeze to death!"

???: "Too long, I have a better idea."

The man thrusts his hand out and a powerful gust of wind hits the truck and tips it back onto its wheels.

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