Chapter 47: On The Road

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Kept you waiting, huh?

Phoenix after feeling better from his mana sickness and doing more practice with wind set out from the Branwen bandit camp, would it be a bandit camp if they reformed? Probably not, so Branwen camp. He is on the road with a rugsack with a few essentials, a few people in the camp offered to guide him to the city where Haven is, but he politely declined their help. He currently walks down a dirt road with the hood up on the cloak made for him by Sapphire. Phoenix comes across a bald man wearing leather garmets with bits of armor strapped on, he has some sort of small shop open on the roadside, he has a spear and a rather large shield sitting beside him as he organizes his various wares. The man seems happy with how things are organized and turns around to see Phoenix walking towards the shop.

Man: "Hey there stranger, how has the road been this fine summer day?"

Phoenix: "I suppose it could be a lot worse. Anyways, what have you got to sell here? If you're selling things at all."

Man: "Well my fine man, I have bits and bobs a couple of trinkets, look around and see what you can find."

Phoenix: "Alright, I suppose I will."

Phoenix steps to the roadside shop and begins looking around.

Man: "Say traveler, where are you headed?"

Phoenix: "I'm headed to Haven Academy, got a few people to meet."

Man: "I see, what's your name traveler?"

Phoenix: "It's...Hyakkimaru."

Man: "Hm...I see, my name is Patches."

Phoenix: "Nice to meet you Patches."

Patches: "You know, Hyakkimaru. It's not too nice to lie to people."

Phoenix: "I guess it's not, but when your name brings trouble giving it out to a random person on the side of a random road that leads to the City of Mistral, probably not the best idea right?"

Patches: (smiles) "I guess it's not, keep looking for stuff my friend."

Phoenix merely smiles, but Patches can't see his expression due to the shadow cast across his face by his hood. Phoenix keeps looking around the relatively small shop, he sees a tarp covering something and pulls the tarp back seeing an old and pretty run down motorcycle under it. He pulls the tarp off and sees the bike underneath fully.

Patches: "I forgot I even had that old thing. Probably doesn't even work anymore, uses an old fuel source that nobody uses anymore since Dust is just a better and clean alternative. I think it was called Gasoline? I'm not sure, but it's been long since used up and phased out."

Phoenix: "Interesting, how much are you willing to sell this for?"

Patches: "Eh, you can just have it, not like it works anymore. It's tank has run dry long ago."

Phoenix begins looking over the bike wondering if he can make vehicles with his manipulation over the White Fatalis armor and weapon's. Phoenix's left arm lights up in silver flames and Albion hops out of his arm and sits on the old leather seat of the bike.

Patches: "Neat trick you've got there, that part of your semblance?"

Phoenix: "Something like that. Anyways what is it Albion?"

Albion: "I was curious if you could make vehicles as well, if it's anything like the weapons and armor, the blueprint will just appear your head and be appropriately themed."

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