Chapter 43: Framing, A New Venture, Feeling

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On the orders of the Vale Council that has grown fearful of Phoenix over his rapid progression in power, the Vale Police Department is currently pursuing Phoenix Igantia until eventually he is cornered, even the Atlas Military is getting involved in chasing him down.

Phoenix: "Running is not helping my image."

Conrad steps out in front of the police and soldiers.

Atlas Soldier: "Specialist Schwarz."

Conrad: "Give up Phoenix, no where left to run my friend."

Phoenix: "If it were that easy to catch me wouldn't you have done it by now?"

Conrad: "By the order of the Vale council you are to be brought in, my hands are tied here Phoenix."

Phoenix: "Guess I don't have many options then."

Phoenix quuckly turns around creating a claw made of flames and uses it as a grapple to launch himself to the top of the building, Conrad takes out a small green dust crystal and crushes it, blades made of wind form around his arms, he uses the wind as a grapple to get to the top of the building as well the wind disappearing after he gets to the top. Phoenix is already hopping from building to building, Conrad begins to chase despite his reservations about it all he has his orders to bring in Phoenix. A bullhead flys in close and the side door opens revealing Team RWBY who also has orders from the Vale council.

Phoenix: "Damn politicians."

Phoenix is nearing the walls separating the city from the forest. Team RWBY despite their initial hesitation at opening fire shoots at Phoenix making him dodge back and forth, he jumps at the wall to get to the forest and disappear away from here. Conrad crushes another small green dust crystal and uses the wind to wrap around Phoenix and throw him back onto the roof he leaped off. Phoenix rolls and get back to his feet and immediately has to backflip away from the blade of Weissritter's sword and shield form.

Phoenix: "Come on, can't you just fuck off already!"

Conrad: "Damn it Phoenix just give up, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!"

Team RWBY junps from the bullhead with weapons ready aimed at Phoenix.

Ruby: "Please Phoenix, we don't want to hurt you."

Weiss: "You're on the wrong side of the law Phoenix."

Phoenix: "Sorry but I can't get caught here, I know that whatever you're after me for, I've definitely been framed and I might just have an idea of who might've done it."

Conrad: "If you have an idea, then give us information!"

Phoenix: "Even if I did, you'd just be in the way, I'm outta here."

Phoenix runs at the group and bursts into black rose petals the wind kicked up making them block their faces, Phoenix gets over the wall and into the forest disappearing a fugitive. Phoenix keeps going as far as he can, he creates wings of flame and flys keeping low to his home, he knows it won't be safe there for long especially if Ozpin and Glynda let the council know of the location.

Phoenix: Hopefully Ironwood doesn't think I've repaired my home or remembers where it is.

Phoenix arrives at his manor and heads inside.

Phoenix: "I can at least get a quick meal and a change of clothes."

Phoenix does just that getting a quick meal and a change of clothes, he writes a note and puts it on a table near the door.

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