Chapter 13: Some things don't change

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Phoenix awoke the next morning, with a lot less Summer than he expected, she left early that morning, so at least he didn't have to deal with that, Phoenix got out of bed and got ready for the day.

(Small Timeskip)

Phoenix is sitting beside Ruby as Weiss and Yang put things up for the dance. Weiss comes over to the two and slams her hands down on the table.

Weiss: "You two, I need you to pick a tablecloth."

Ruby looks at Phoenix and he shrugged. Weiss slides two almost identical looking pieces of cloth towards the two. Weiss stares at the two with a smile. Ruby looks back to Phoenix as he stares at the two pieces of cloth.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss: "No, you dunce! Phoenix, anything to add?"

Phoenix: "Go with the left one, it's texture is better."

Phoenix was making shit up, but it worked as Weiss picked up the two pieces of cloth.

Weiss: "I was thinking the same thing, thank you, Phoenix."

Phoenix: "No problem."

Weiss walks away and Phoenix leans over to Ruby.

Phoenix: (whispering) "I was just making shit up, I just said what I thought she wanted to hear."

Ruby giggles at this. Yang walks over and sets down a large speaker with a thud making the table and the chairs Phoenix and Ruby are sitting on bounce. Yang walks over to the two.

Yang: "So, either of you two got outfits for the dance?"

Ruby: "What's the point if Blake doesn't go."

Yang: "Trust me, she'll come, me and Phoenix will make sure of it!"

Phoenix: "I will?"

Yang: (grabs Phoenix's ear) "Yes, now shut it."

Yang lets go of Phoenix's ear, Phoenix rubs his ear and Yang looks over to Weiss.

Yang: "Weiss, I thought we agreed, no doilies!"

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines."

The door open and Sun and Neptune walk in.

Neptune: "Your dance is going to have fog machines?"

Weiss: "We were thinking about it..."

Yang: "And Phoenix is going to sing!"

Phoenix: "I'm going to WHAT!"

Yang hits Phoenix on the back of the head making him rub his head while grumbling.

Sun: "Oh right Phoenix we ran into three guys who were looking for you, they should be here right"

Then walking in his a large man in dark armor accented with pieces of silver and red piece of cloth coming from his belt and draping over his waist armor, a man wearing purple mostly cloth armor with an oversized also purple hat with a feather on it, and finally man wearing a bright white suit complete with a top hat. Phoenix stands up from his seat and begins walking towards the three, then breaks into a sprint as him and the man in dark armor run at eachother and throw a punch, their fists clash, RW_Y is wondering why Phoenix just attacked a total stranger, then Phoenix and the man in dark armor go into an elaborate handshake ending with them hitting their forearms together. The two step back from one another.

Phoenix: "Good to see you, Nic."

Nic: "For once you're not moody, that's new, Phoenix. And you changed up your look, it works."

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