Chapter 29: The Cat, the Bird, and the Rose

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My insane ramblings continue once more, whoever is still reading this thanks I think.

The morning after the scuffle with Adam and his splinter group of White Fang was interesting, Phoenix woke up to Blake purring on top of him, again. Phoenix felt disgusting after yesterday and took a shower after it was all said and done and that morning. Biggewt surprise that morning is that breakfast at the Belladonna household was interrupted by the leader of the White Fang herself, Sienna Khan. Ghira walks with Sienna to the dining room.

Ghira: "Everyone we have a special guest."

The three at the table look to the doorway. Sienna steps into the doorway.

Sienna: "A pleasure to see you again, Kali, Blake. And a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Phoenix Igantia, Hero of Vale."

Phoenix: "A pleasure to meet you."

Sienna notices Phoenix's defensive tone.

Sienna: "I am not here for hostilities, I merely wish to speak."

Kali: "We can talk over breakfast then."

Ghira walks past Sienna and sits down at the table. Sienna sits down to the left of Phoenix separating him and Ghira. The five begin to eat breakfast.

Sienna: "So, Mr. Igantia-"

Phoenix: "Please, call me Phoenix."

Sienna: (clears her throat) "Alright, Phoenix. You seem to be quite passionate about humans and faunus working together, why is that?"

Phoenix: "Well, mainly because I am neither human nor faunus, despite my appearance. At the end of the day, all that separated a human from a faunus is the animal features, what's the point of hating over a few extra features? It's always confused me."

Sienna: "You're neither human nor faunus? Then what are you?"

Phoenix: "I am of the Igantia bloodline, (looks at Sienna) I am a demon, at least half of one."

Blake: "Feels weird hearing you admit to you being what you are without any resistance or secrecy."

Phoenix: "Honestly it does feel strange, but people were bound to find out eventually, if people believe me a monster for what I am and not who I am. I can't really stop them."

Sienna: "You're treatment wouldn't be dissimilar to that of a faunus then."

Phoenix: "Faunus and humans can both be discriminated against, it happens far more against faunus yes, but it does happen the other way around too."

Ghira: "I can see why you speak the way you do, having an outside perspective of human and faunus as well as living amongst both. It's shaped to have an almost neutral perspective between the hate."

Phoenix: "I can understand why the White Fang does what it does, I don't agree with the methods though, but I can understand it. It got results, but equality through fear is fragile at best."

Sienna: "I see, I'm glad you understand our more extreme methods, I wish it didn't have to come to it."

Phoenix: "It didn't have to come to it."

Sienna: "The people grew restless with the lack of results with the peacful methods."

Phoenix: "Now Vale can stand as a testament to humans and faunus cooperating to rebuild their home. An ultimately peaceful method, and if let's say the White Fang were to lend support to the rebuilding effort, it wouldn't wipe away the bloodstained past. But it would put them in a more positive light."

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