Special Chapter 2: Doesn't Seem Right

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Phoenix wakes up in his apartment in Vale, he gets out of bed and stretches. Phoenix goes about his morning as he usually would, shower, getting dressed, and finally breakfast. Phoenix grabs his red trenchcoat off the hook near the front door and puts on his boots, he grabs Ruinous Atrocity off its stand and heads out into Vale. Vale's not a bad place, got a shady underbelly, but otherwise it's a good place for the most part. Phoenix walks around Vale getting waves from different people as he's pretty well known in Vale. Phoenix's day goes about as normal as one for a Hunter can go, he took on a quest, slayed the monster and got back before dinner. All in all a good day, but he's running low on Dust bullets, so he heads out after dinner to Dust Til Dawn to buy some ammo, what he wasn't prepared for that night was for a small girl in a red hood and dark outfit to come in with a bunch of henchmen and try to rob the place. A henchmen comes up behind Phoenix and taps him on the shoulder, Phoenix turns and looks at the man who motions for him to take off his headphones.

Phoenix: (taking off headphones) "Yes?"

Henchmen: "I said put your hands in the air!"

Phoenix: "Are you robbing me?"

Henchmen: "Yes!"

Phoenix smirks then kicks the henchmen in the chest sending him flying across the store and crashing into displays year the front. The girl in the red hood groans then motions for another henchmen to check it out, the other goes to check it out but before he even disappears behind a shelf he's drop kicked and goes flying out a window.

Red Hood: "Oh who the hell decided they needed to cause trouble today?"

Phoenix steps out from behind the shelf and leans against it staring at the girl.

Phoenix: "That would be me, you must be the infamous Ruby Rose, seen a lot of what you and that little group you made have done. Gotta say, not impressed."

Ruby: (looks to the rest of her henchmen) "Well don't just stand there, get him!"

The remaining four henchmen charge at Phoenix, but he leans casually against the shelf and yawns. Phoenix catches one of the blades a henchmen had, then punched him out the same window he drop kicked the one henchmen out of. Phoenix jumps out the window after the henchmen and draws Ruinous Atrocity off his back.

Phoenix: "Makin the mistake of a lifetime."

The last three henchmen look at eachother then jump out the window and charge at Phoenix. Phoenix slings Ruinous Atrocity onto his right shoulder and roundhouse kicks one henchmen away, then strikes another with the flat of Ruinous Atrocity. Phoenix reaches into his coat and pulls out one of the Pawns and smacks the last henchmen with it before holding the barrel of the gun against the henchmen's head.

Henchmen: "P-Please..."

Phoenix: "Oh don't be so dramatic."

Phoenix hits the henchmen over the head with the bottom of the pistol knockong him out. The others are lying on the ground groaning in pain, Ruby walks out of Dust Til Dawn holding Cresent Rose in it's compact form.

Ruby: "You all were worth every lien, truly...If you want something done right, I guess you've got to do it yourself, c'mon girls let's get to work!"

Three others walk from an alley and stand beside Ruby, one wears a black bow and has bone like half mask on and is primarily in black and wearing what looks like a sneaking suit on, the next has on a very elegant looking white outfit that just screams pretentious like a Schnee, the last has long blonde hair and lilac eyes and is dressed like a biker but with a lot more yellow, Phoenix could've sworn he's seen the last one somewhere or maybe she looks similar to someone.

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