Chapter 50: Hell on Remnant

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Chapter 50, holy fuck if you told me back when I was starting this I'd be at chapter 50 now, I would've called you a fucking liar. But here we are, and thank you to all of you who have been along for this journey so far. I do hope I can keep you entertained as long as this story continues.

Phoenix stands with his arms crossed as rose petals fly around him, Ruby appears behind him and brings her fist down to hit him on the head. Phoenix leans to the side making her miss, she sees him smirk as he goes to knee her but she bursts into rose petals for a brief moment leaping away from him and skidding to a stop catching her breath staring him down.

Phoenix: "We can stop for now if you'd like."

Ruby: "T-That sounds good."

Ruby sits down on the grass breathing heavily. Weiss comes out of the house and sets down glasses of water and a few sandwiches on a plate.

Weiss: "You two have been going since early this morning. How long do you intend to train like this."

Ruby: "Phoenix said I need to get better at hand to hand since I won't always have my weapon's on me. So he chose to practice with me and I'm getting some training for my semblance as well."

Phoenix: "You're doing a lot better, even in just a few hours you've improved a lot. Give it a few days and I think you'll be doing just fine, Rosebud."

Phoenix and Ruby walk over to where Weiss is.

Weiss: "I made the two of you sandwiches, decided I could use some form of culinary skills. Can't have someone cook for me forever."

Phoenix chuckles and Weiss' face turns a little red.

Phoenix: "You're certainly improving yourself as well Weiss. It's a nice thing to see."

Ruby: "I think we'll all keep improving as long as we're given the time to."

Phoenix: "I'm sure we all will."

Qrow is walking back from his lackluster hunt for huntsman and huntresses, he approaches the three talking and steals the sandwitch Phoenix was going to eat.

Qrow: "So, you kids getting along here alright?"

Ruby: "You stole Phoenix's sandwich, Uncle Qrow."

Qrow looks at the sandwich in his and hand and puts it behind his back.

Qrow: "No I didn't, I don't know what you're talking about."

Qrow smiles and tears it in half behind his back and puts half in Phoenix's hand.

Qrow: "See, he's got his sandwich."

Phoenix: (muttering) "Only half of it..."

Qrow walks into the house eating half of what was supposed to be Phoenix's sandwich. With Phoenix grumbling as he eats the half he's got.

Ruby: "These aren't half bad, Weiss."

Phoenix: "It's just a sandwich, not like it's that special. But it is welcome."

Weiss: "You dolt, I wanted to start with something simple..."

Phoenix: "Never said it was bad, Snowy."

Ruby: "I think she got that Phoenix."

Phoenix shrugs and finishes the half of the sandwich he has then walks away from the porch and sits down on his shins.

Ruby: "What are you going to do Phoenix?"

Phoenix: "Practice."

Phoenix closes his eyes and takes a deep breath focused on his task. The wind picks up for seemingly no reason and whips around Phoenix wildly as if threatening to cut him then lifts him into the air while he's no longer kneeling he's not flailing like one would expect.

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