Chapter 49: Contemplation

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The shattered moon hangs in the sky, lights within the house are off and Phoenix is sitting on the railing of the porch kicking his legs as he stares up at the moon. He hears a door open and footsteps approach him.

Nora: "You can't sleep either?"

Phoenix: "Oh, uh hi, Nora. I've just got some things on my mind, that's all."

Nora: "Wanna talk about it? Not like I've got much better to do than listen."

Phoenix looks at the normally hyperactive ginger with a look of confusion as she begins leaning on the railing.

Nora: "What?"

Phoenix: "I've never really heard you be all too...calm I guess...?"

Nora: "I don't see a need to right now, besides it's late."

Phoenix: "Fair enough, guess everyone has a moment of calm at least once in their life."

Phoenix looks back up at the moon and Nora looks up at the moon as well.

Nora: "So what's on your brain Mr. Rebellion?"

Phoenix: "Well mostly thinkin about what the moon would look like were it whole and not shattered..."

Nora: "Huh, you know it's one of the things you can see everyday and you don't really think about it until someone mentions it."

Phoenix: "I know right...I've also always wondered what life would be like normal...not have to worry about grimm, about monster's, just live life and hope you've gone through it as best you can."

Nora hums in response, leaving the two in a minute of quiet contemplation.

Phoenix: "But at this point, I don't think I want normal."

Nora: "Oh?"

Phoenix: "I think I'm finally starting to get it, why people have such drives to go and do things they love. I wanted to be like my mom and dad, they were guild hunter's, but that was an aspiration. Sure I love being a hunter, I take pride in my work as one, but what else could I have?"

Nora: "Isn't that a question to pose to yourself and not someone else?"

Phoenix: "Yeah, it is, but sometimes another person's input can go a long way."

Nora: "Then why don't you just follow what your heart tells you?"

Phoenix: "What my heart tells me, huh?..."

Phoenix looks down at the ground then back up at the starry sky and smiles.

Phoenix: "I'll reach for the stars then..."

Phoenix puts a hand out towards the sky as Nora looks at him.

Nora: "Pardon?"

Phoenix: "I don't know how, but I want to touch the stars one day."

Nora: "Certainly got a large goal there."

Phoenix: "They say that the skys the limit, but I don't think the sky will be the limit for me."

Phoenix rolls backwards off the railing and to his feet. Nora looks back at him.

Nora: "Was that necessary?"

Phoenix: "Nope, but I did it anyways, cause I could."

Phoenix grins and Nora smiles back.

Phoenix: "Thanks for talkin with me, Nora. I appreciate it."

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