Chapter 33: Battle of the Mind

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Oh baby here we go, gonna have a big fight. Hope you're prepared and hope you enjoy.

Phoenix opened his eyes and all he saw was darkness, he looked down at himself and he is only in black gi pants held up by a red belt, his left arm is flesh and blood as well.

Phoenix: "Seems like I've got to do something here, but what?"

Phoenix's question is answered as the area shifts the sky comes into reality followed by the ground, around Phoenix is a lake and a forest, from the forest walks out many familiar faces to Phoenix. From left to right we've got Nic, Conrad, Braydon, Soma, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Roman, Neo, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Qrow, Raven, Tai, Summer, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Penny, Ezeal, and last but not least stepping out to the front is Andras and Daruka.

Phoenix: "Some welcoming party, guess I've got to fight, damn this going to be hard."

Start the music.

Nic, Conrad, and Braydon come at Phoenix first, Nic swings his Switch Axe down at Phoenix who side steps but gets shield bashed by Conrad and uppercutted by Braydon, Phoenix flys into the air, he flips around midair as Braydon jumps after him swinging his sword at Phoenix. Phoenix leans back and dodges the swipe he kicks Braydon away and lands as Conrad and Nic charge at him Nic has switched from axe to sword mode and swipes at Phoenix as he lands forcing him to back petal away. Phoenix sees an opportunity and kicks the flat of the blade knocking it away, pain shoots up theough his leg, but he ignores it, moving in and slamming his fist against Nic's helmet, it hurts as well, but still Phoenix ignores the pain and keeps punching away until Conrad swings down on Phoenix with his charge blade in axe mode. Phoenix spins out of the way, Braydon is rushing at Phoenix, his sword raised he swings down on Phoenix. Phoenix blocks the attack by moving in close, and stopping the attack by stopping Braydon's forearm. Phoenix grabs Braydon's arm twisting it behind his back making him drop his sword, Phoenix steals the blade and drives it downwards right through Braydon's back. Braydon fades away with a loud damn it. Phoenix grabs Braydon's shield and holds the weapon's ready. Nic and Conrad rush at Phoenix, Conrad switches his charge blade from an axe to sword and shield swinging at Phoenix. Phoenix parries Conrad's blade with his stolen shield and moves in to follow up, but is interrupted by Nic who swings almost wildly with the axe form of his Switch Axe. Phoenix hops back away from the two trying to figure out how he'll take the two down. Phoenix digs his feet into the ground and takes off at the two, he swipes at Nic making him go on the defense using his faultless defense to defend, Phoenix immediately switches his attention to Conrad who is holding a lightning dust crystal. Phoenix slams his shield against Conrad's face, knocking his hat off and making him drop the dust crystal. Phoenix grabs the crystal off the ground and throws it at Nic electrifying his armor and cooking him. Nic fades away as he collapses. Phoenix blocks a swing from Conrad and the shield he was using shatters, Phoenix two hands the sword and moves in on Conrad, parrying an attack and slamming the blade through Conrad's abdomen then tearing it out diagonally, the blade falls apart, Phoenix throws away the hilt as Conrad collapses and fades away.

Phoenix picks up both the Switch Axe and Charge Blade, he puts the Charge Blade on his back and wields the Switch Axe as RWBY and JNPR approach. RWBY moves in first, Ruby laying down sniper fire with Cresent Rose, Weiss uses her glyphs to move in, Blake moves around to flank, and Yang boosts in using her gauntlets. Phoenix runs dodging the sniper fire. He rolls and comes back up only to be in a blade lock with Weiss' rapier. Phoenix pushes his blade forward to try and make Weiss back down, but Blake strikes Phoenix from behind sending him off balance and allowing Weiss to land two hits on Phoenix before moving herself out of the way as Yang comes rocketing in and punches Phoenix making him bounce backwards, he flips himself and slams the switch axe into the ground stopping himself. A few rounds from Cresent Rose catch Phoenix in the chest making him sumble back holding his chest, Ruby rushed in bursting into rose petals, she reappears with Cresent Rose at the ready and swings down on Phoenix as Blake attacks him from behind. Phoenix manages to jump avoiding Blake's attack and moves midair Cresent Rose barely missing him, Phoenix kicks Ruby sending her skidding away, he looks back to Blake and grabs her by the arm as she tries to use her afterimage to get away, he swings her around as he's mid-air and slams her into the ground, he raised the switch axe and sings downwards, but is stopped by a glyph. Yang comes in again and slams her fist against Phoenix's face sending him stumbling away, Yang helps Blake to her feat and Blake afterimages away, Yang bounces from foot to foot then charges at Phoenix with a smile on her face. Phoenix readies the switch axe and blocks Yang's attacks while it's in axe mode then as she's about to throw a big attack with a lot of wind up, Phoenix dodges to the side making her miss, he switches the sword mode and cuts Yang in two, she fades away.

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