Chapter 6: Jaunedice pt. 2

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I realize I've gotten some events out of order, so course correction, a little bit. Specifically around Phyrrah offering to train Jaune. I mentioned it last chapter, but it wasn't supposed to be in part 1 of Jaunedice. And before anyone questions, why Ooblecks class wasn't the day before, after lunch, I dunno, I'm making this shit up as I go.

Phoenix sat in bed trying to calm himself down from his nightmare, until he hears Ruby through the door.

Ruby: "Phoenix? You slept longer than usual and we heard you yell. Are you okay in there?"

Phoenix: "I'm fine, just a bad dream is all."

Ruby: "If you want to talk about it you've got a team to help you, alright?"

Phoenix: "Alright."

Ruby: "Well get ready we have Oobleck's class today."

Phoenix: "I will, I will."

Phoenix gets out of bed and stretches, Phoenix goes to the bathroom, and stares at the mirror seeing that his appearance has slipped again. He fixes it, turning his hair back to a full silver and his left eye to crimson. He takes a shower and gets ready for today then finally exits his room and sees team RWBY huddled up whispering to one another.

Phoenix: (Walking up to team RWBY) "You guys good? What are you talkin about?"

Phoenix sees Ruby jump not expecting his barely sudden appearance.

Ruby: "It's nothing you need to be concerned about."

Phoenix cocks an eyebrow at Ruby and wants to question her, but is interrupted by Weiss.

Weiss: "Now that you're here, we can get going, Professor Goodwitch won't be lenient with us being late to class."

R_BY and Phoenix nod in agreement, but Phoenix is asking himself what they were whispering about. He couldn't exactly hear them all too well, he could only make out bits and wasn't enough to get a clear picture.


Most people within Doctor Ooblecks class are board out of their minds except for a few such as Blake and Weiss who are taking notes on Oobleck's speech, then on the other side of the spectrum you've got Jaune who is napping. Phoenix is paying only half attention, the other half was focused on his current drawing over the course of classes he'd draw whoever he felt like for that class, he had drawings so far of Ruby, Yang, Blake, Glynda, Ren, Nora, and Jaune, currently he was drawing Weiss. Oobleck is rushing about the classroom, and speaking far faster than most can understand.

Dr. Oobleck: "Yes, yes, Prior to the faunus rights revolution, more popularly known as the faunus war. (Zooms back to the front of the room) Human kind was quite quite adament about centralizing faunus population on Menargery. (Takes a sip of coffee and rushes in front of his desk) Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember these are relatively recent events."

Phoenix: What the hell is in that coffee?

Dr. Oobleck: "Why the...reprocussions can still be seen to this day! (Takes a sip of coffee) Now, have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against due to your faunus heritage?"

Some faunus students raise their hands, Velvet looks hesitant and looks back at Phoenix who smiles at her and she raises her hand.

Dr. Oobleck: "Dreadful! Simply Dreadful! Remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance breeds violence! (Takes sip of coffee) I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang and the Igantia massacre five years ago! It is simply dreadful what happened to them all due to ignorance."

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