Chapter Two

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JYP's Entertainment building was full of life at two in the afternoon. A receptionist greeted people at the front door while answering a variety of phone calls. It seemed like she could never catch a break. Right as she put the phone down, it rang again. 

Different groups were in different rooms. Some of the newer idols were practicing dances and getting ready to debut. Others were recording new songs in recording booths. Another group was having lunch in the cafeteria. 

The Stray Kids members were supposed to be working on their songs. Chan had given the younger members a different colored notebook. They were supposed to be spread out throughout the building. They were working on songwriting. Every member was given an opportunity to create a song to sing. 

The only exceptions to this were Chan, Changbin, and Lee Know. Lee Know was still perfecting choreography. Chan was working on mixing a song and Changbin had been helping him. He was helping up until Chan seemed to tune out his words. He lost himself in the music, again. 

Changbin should have been annoyed, but he wasn't. He knew how much Chan cared for his music. Besides, he had his own songs to worry about. New lyrics sat on his laptop back with Chan. He still had to figure out the beat, but he had an idea. 

Changbin entered the cafeteria and stopped at the sound of familiar laughter. He glanced over to see Han standing over a table full of girls. JYP's newest prodigy was a new girl group. They hadn't yet debuted, they still had a few months. 

"Han, what are you doing?" 

Han glanced over his shoulder. The smile on his face dropped at the sight of Changbin. He quickly smiled again and glanced back at the table of girls. "Well, unfortunately duty calls. Let us know if you guys need anything, even if it's just someone to talk to. We've all been through trainee life. It sucked, but it's worth it. I'll see you around!" 

He hurried over to Changbin with a notebook in his hand. A black pen was shoved into the spirals. Changbin's arms were crossed over his chest. Chan had given them all a job to do and he trusted them to do it. He loved Han, but he was so easily distracted. Chan should have forced him to stay with them back in the studio. 

"Sorry, I was trying to find a place to work and they entered. We started talking and I guess I got carried away. Did Chan call us back to meet up? I didn't realize how long we had been talking to each other." 

"Fortunately, no. I'm just messing with you," Changbin dropped his hands to his sides. "Come with me." 

"Wait, where are we going?" 

"We're getting a new makeup artist tomorrow and I'm nervous. Lee Know said she was in the building with JYP getting a tour. Come with me and meet her." 

"Is she nice?" 

Changbin shrugged, "there's only one way to find out." 

"Well, I mean I really should get back to writing the song. I have the first verse written and I-" 

"Oh, come on! We both know you're going to sit somewhere and get distracted again. Maybe she'll be as good as Hana was." 

"You know me so well," Han beamed. "Okay, we can go meet her, but you have to do the introductions. You know how I feel about new people, I get nervous too." 

"I know, I know, let's go!" Changbin grabbed his wrist and hurried out of the cafeteria. 

Han stumbled on his feet trying to catch up. One would have thought that Changbin would be a slow walker, but no. He was always speed walking to places and Han struggled to keep up. 

"Dude, what's the hurry? I'm going to trip and fall on my face. Why do you want to meet her so badly?" 

"Do you remember when Hana first started and she took three hours to do our makeup? Yeah, we have that interview at nine tomorrow. You know how I work out early, I don't want to get up any earlier than I have to." 

"Why don't you work out in the afternoon or something?" 

Changbin stopped and shot him a glare. "You know how much I want to stick to my routine. If I get out of my routine for a day, it's hard to get back into it." 

"So skip a day?" 

"Are you crazy?" Changbin's eyes widened. 

"It wouldn't kill you." 

"It might." 

Footsteps brought the two men out of their conversation. JYP glanced down at the phone in his hands. His thumbs flew over the screen while he typed. 

"Hey, just the man I wanted to see!" 

Changbin's voice caused him to look up. He turned his phone off and slid it in his back pocket. "What can I do for you?" 

"Are we really going to be getting a new makeup artist?" 

"I wish you would have found me sooner. I just walked her out to her car, but yes. She starts tomorrow morning and speaking of tomorrow morning, I was just in the middle of sending an email out. She's never worked on multiple people before. Your interview is tomorrow at nine, but you guys need to be here at seven." 

"Seven?" Changbin's mouth fell open. 

"Uh-huh. I expect you guys to treat her with respect. She'll be your makeup artist for a while. I don't know when Hana will be back. I know she'll be taking quite a bit of time off for maternity leave." 

"Of course, we'll be here at seven. We'll let the other guys know too," Han stepped into the conversation. "We just wanted to know if it was a rumor that Hana went into labor or not." 

"It's not a rumor, I'm excited for her. I've seen how she works around you guys. If she can wrangle the eight of you, she can handle a single newborn. I think she'll be a great mom. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go see her tomorrow. She texted me earlier and let me know that she's still in labor." 

"I miss her already."

"Me too," JYP agreed. He opened his mouth to say more, but his phone rang. He glanced down at the lit up screen. "I've got to go take this. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." 

"Of course, have a good day!" Han gave a slight bow. He elbowed Changbin in the side of his rib cage. 

"Uh-huh, we'll see you tomorrow," he agreed. 

JYP spun around on his heel and headed towards his office. His voice and his footsteps faded down the hall. Han scratched the back of his neck. "I guess we'll be here tomorrow at seven." 

Changbin sighed, "I guess." 

"Who knows, maybe she'll be hot." 

A fist flew into the side of Han's shoulder. His mouth opened in shock. "What did you do that for?" He gently rubbed his sore shoulder. 

"Don't be an idiot! JYP would kill us if we dated a staff member. It's not allowed, remember?" 

"He doesn't have to know about it," Han muttered. 

Changbin rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Let's find everyone and let them know we have to be here at seven." He couldn't help his annoyance. He was going to have to get up early and he'd be tired the whole day. 

He dreaded it. 

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