Chapter Seventy

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Lennon closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she slumped against the hotel door. Her legs still stung from the run earlier. She hadn't stretched to warm up or cool down and she was regretting it. Every step was another reminder that her calf muscles were out of shape. 

Earlier, she had gathered up the band and met Chan back in his room. When they arrived at sound check, she was tackled into a hug by Han. He squeezed her so hard that she was sure her rib cage was bruised. He kept apologizing over and over for the fan incident. 

She had reassured him multiple times that it wasn't his fault and then she apologized for freaking him out. She didn't want him to get hurt. He spent most of the evening clinging to her side to the annoyance of Changbin. Even though the two of them were friends, it hadn't stopped Changbin from shooting Han a glare every now and then. 

They finished the concert and came back to the hotel. Apparently, the fans from earlier had leaked the hotel address on Twitter. During the concert, police had shown up at the hotel to remove the fans that hadn't been able to purchase concert tickets. They wouldn't stop coming into the hotel lobby and pestering employees. 

The whole thing was an annoyance and even though Chan told her it wasn't a big deal, it truly felt like a big deal. He might have been used to the fans and constant crowds and the invasion of privacy, but she wasn't. She wasn't used to any of it. 

Not to mention, Changbin had been ignoring her for the majority of the day. Besides this morning, she had seen him around a few times, but he kept avoiding her. Even when she was doing his makeup earlier, he had been quiet. She was starting to wonder if he was regretting having feelings for her. She thought she should, at least, be made aware of his true feelings. It'd sting a lot less in the end. 

She kicked off her shoes and walked over to her bed. A black paper bag caused her to freeze. She raised an eyebrow and glanced back at the door behind her. Anxiety started to build up in her chest. Did someone get into her room? 

She forced herself to swallow her fear and peeked into the bag. A folded piece of material sat inside with a yellow sticky note on top of it. She plucked it off the fabric and pulled it out of the bag. She made out Changbin's messy handwriting. 

Put this on and meet me at the elevator doors 

-Love, Binnie 

She chuckled at the nickname he chose for himself and pulled the fabric out of the bag. Taking her time, she slowly unfolded the fabric and held it out in front of her. She couldn't stop a gasp from coming out of her mouth. 

It was a simple black dress; two thin spaghetti straps for the shoulders, cinched in at the waist, with a v-neck. Her fingers fumbled for the tag. Sure enough, somehow, he had managed to find it in her size. Not wasting another moment, she quickly shimmied out of her skirt and threw off her t-shirt. 

The cool satin material slid over her skin effortlessly. She tugged the dress down tightly to cover more of her body. She forced herself over to the bathroom and turned on the light. She couldn't stop her eyes from widening at the sight of herself. 

The fabric stopped in the middle of her thigh. It just seemed to cover her ass and barely left much to the imagination. Already wearing a strapless bra, her cleavage spilled over the low v-neck. The simple winged eyeliner from earlier made her eyes pop. The dress highlighted her hourglass shaped waist. 

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself. 

She couldn't help it, she looked good. She rarely wore dresses like this because she could never seem to find a good one. They always felt a little off. The collar was too high or the dress felt too long. It seemed too big and she felt like she was wearing a tent, it was always something. 

However, there was something magical about this dress. Changbin hadn't mentioned anything about getting her a dress. Hell, she didn't even know if she had worn a dress in front of him. It was a bold choice, but she was glad he decided to get it for her. 

She left the bathroom and hurried over to her suitcase. She had only packed one pair of heels for the tour and, thankfully, they were black. A strap buckled around her ankle and her toes peeked out from an opening on the bottom. She ripped off her socks, balled them up, and left them on top of the suitcase. 

She shoved her feet into the heels and quickly buckled the top part of the shoe. Was Changbin already waiting for her? Had she left him waiting a long time? She had seen him as they were going into the hotel, but he had been talking to Chan. He hadn't looked nervous or anything. 

"Shut up, Lennon," she mumbled to herself. "You're overthinking this whole thing and making it worse." She forced herself to close her eyes and take a deep breath. 

It was just Changbin, there was no reason for her to be so nervous. 

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