Chapter One-Hundred and Sixteen

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Busy as a bee, Lennon moved from one side of the kitchen to the next. Flipping eggs in one pan, avoiding bacon grease from another, and occasionally mixing chopped potatoes in another pan; she was overwhelmed. Perhaps she should have taken Lee Know up on his offer to help her. 

It was far too late to do that. Between fixing the food, she grabbed nine plates, and set them around the kitchen table. She slid around on bright pink fuzzy socks. After her hair dried a bit, she placed it into the top of her head via a messy bun. It bounced around aimlessly as she went from task to task. 

She placed the cooked eggs and bacon on a sheet pan and placed it in the pre-heated oven. She cracked the final egg and let it fall into the skillet. It instantly began to sizzle. After washing her hands, she sent another text message to Lee Know. 

Okay, it's ready and still warm. Come over when you want, the front door is unlocked. 

He responded almost instantly. 

We'll be right there. 

She yanked the hot pan of food out of the oven and began placing a bit of it on each plate. She walked over and flipped the last egg. In the back of the dorm, she heard the sound of a door open. Ignoring it, she turned her attention back to the stove to stir the potatoes. The front door opened up soon afterwards. 

"Lennie, we're home! Oh my god, what are you making? That smells so good!" Han's loud voice made her laugh. 

She flipped the final egg onto a plate and added a serving of fried potatoes. "Food," she hollered back. "I'm in the kitchen, so you'll have to come and find out." 

Footsteps paraded towards her. At the sight of the table, everyone stopped in their tracks. The table was adorned with nine different plates. Two pitchers of freshly squeezed orange juice sat in the middle of the table along with a pot of coffee and a pitcher of water. 

"Woah," I.N mumbled. 

"You did all this?" Felix asked in awe. "For us?" 

"Um...yes? Is there something wrong with it? I'm sorry, I know you guys probably normally have Korean breakfast, but I don't know what that requires because I grew up in America. It's not bad, I swear! It's eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes." Suddenly shy, she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Why are you apologizing? It smells amazing. I'm sure it'll be delicious." 

"Oh and I did use some of the stuff that you guys had here at the dorm," she glanced at Chan. "I promise, after I eat, I'll go to the grocery store and buy things to replace it." 

"You stole my oranges?" Hyunjin frowned. 

"I'll get you more, I swear!" 

"I'm just kidding, I love orange juice." 

She let out a sigh of relief, turned off the stove, and looked back at the guys. "Why are you standing there? Come on, come sit down! It's not nearly as good when it's cold." She began waddling towards a chair. 

"Oh no," Han quickly hurried towards her side. "What did you do? Why are you walking like that? Did you hurt yourself?" 

"What? Oh..." Her eyes widened in embarrassment. "Nothing, I'm fine, I swear." 

"Are you stupid?" Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "We left her and Changbin here alone last night, they fucked. Apparently, some things never change. It's like what happened when we got on the tour bus all over again." 

"What happened on the tour bus?" I.N raised an eyebrow. 

"Is that bacon I smell?" Changbin suddenly appeared around the corner. He had put on a pair of red basketball shorts and a black t-shirt.

Lee Know burst into laughter at the sight of him. Chan bit down on his lip trying not to join him. Han's mouth dropped open in shock. On Changbin's neck, there was a very obvious bright purple hickey. 

"What? What's so funny?" He asked. 

Hyunjin had reached for the pitcher of orange juice. He glanced up right before he began pouring it. "Ew!" He cried out in disgust. "In front of my orange juice? What is wrong with you two? It was one thing to hear about it, but it's another to see actual proof!" 

" got a little...uh..." Felix reached up and pointed to the side of his neck. 

"What?" Changbin asked again. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Lennon. 

All she could do was blush bright red. She had forgotten that she gave him a hickey. She hadn't paid too much attention to what he looked like when she woke up. 

I.N's wide eyes kept looking back from Changbin to Lennon. He couldn't believe that Lennon had done that to Changbin's neck. Not after she had been so timid around them for so long. She had opened up since they had gotten to know her, but he couldn't believe Lennon would do something so bold. 

"You two are no better than a pair of rabbits, I swear." Seungmin dug his fork into his still steaming egg. 

Changbin's eyes widened as it finally clicked what they were talking about. He slammed his hand over the hickey and quickly ran towards the bathroom. Humiliation flooded him. 

"So um..." Chan cleared his throat. "Should we begin eating?" 

"Already on it," Seungmin mumbled with his mouth full of egg. 

"Lennon, would you like to give us a proper introduction to the food you made?" 

"Yeah, I-I can do that." She lowered her eyes down to her plate. Bright red coated her cheeks with visible shame. 

"Sinners," Hyunjin mumbled beneath his breath. 

"I'd like to propose a toast," Han grabbed his empty glass. 

Changbin came back into view and said nothing as he slumped into an empty chair between Chan and Lee Know. 

"Go ahead," Chan nodded. 

"Cheers to Lennon, for making us breakfast!" 

"And for Changbin's big dick," Seungmin added as he raised his glass in the air. 



"Could we try to have a normal breakfast for once?" 

"I've seen it, it totally is." 

All Lennon could do was hide her face in her hands from embarrassment and try not to laugh at the obscene obscurity of it all. 

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