Chapter Seven

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"You're going too, right? You've never been to Japan? Have you ever had Japanese food? You're going to have the time of your life! We're going to have to bring you to all the best places! You can give us your American knowledge! This is going to be a blast!" 

Lennon chuckled as Han bounced up and down in the makeup seat. JYP had gathered the band around in a small huddle before they changed into their clothes for the music video. He announced the start of their world tour. Cheers and shit eating grins filled the room. It was hard not to soak up the buzz of all the excitement floating around.

"Yeah, I'll be going along. I talked to JYP about it yesterday. I'll be there every day doing your guy's makeup." 

Movement out of the corner of her eye caused her to glance over. Changbin had his arms crossed over his chest. He moved towards the door. Reaching out to open it, he slammed it shut behind him. The walls rattled from the loud noise. Everyone's conversation had halted. 

Lennon bit down on the inside of her cheek. There was only one downside going on the world tour with Stray Kids. How was she supposed to make amends with Changbin when he kept acting like this? 

"What the hell is his problem?" Han grumbled. 

"I'm going to go talk to him." Chan stood up and rushed out of the room.

"I think his problem is me." Lennon added concealer beneath Han's eyes. "Every time we've met, I keep screwing up. Yesterday, I accidentally spilled coffee on him. If that wasn't bad enough, I ran into him in the hallway after meeting JYP in his office. He dropped his phone and it cracked." 

"That explains where the crack came from. Don't blame yourself, I'm clumsy too. There have been times when I've accidentally broken some of the guys' things." 

"Like my favorite mug!" Lee Know joined the conversation from a couch nearby. "I still haven't forgiven you for it." 

"He's lying, he's forgiven me. I bought him the same exact mug. He's being dramatic, he loves me." 

"It's not the same!" Lee Know whined. 

"It's exactly the same mug! I was the one who gifted you that mug! Nothing about it has changed!" Han shot daggers at him in the mirror. 

Lee Know let out a laugh before he pulled out his phone. "Do you want to see it, Lennon? It has my cats on it." 

"You have cats?" Lennon raised her head. 

"I have three; their names are Soonie, Doongie, and Dori." He tapped the screen a few times before he came over and showed her the photo. The three cats were staring at him from the floor. "They were waiting for me to give them a treat." 

"They're beautiful, but which one is which?" She had to go back to fixing Han's makeup, but she kept glancing up at Lee Know's phone. He pointed to each cat and gave her a rundown of their personality. She nodded here and there to let him know that she was listening. 

"They hate me," Han complained. "I've tried to meet them a few times and they never let me pet them. They hide from me, they think I'm some sort of evil monster." 

"They don't hate you, they're just not used to you. They get shy around new people. They see you once and we go months before they see you again. They probably keep forgetting who you are." 

"Or they just hate me." 

Lee Know glared at him. 

"Well, they sound like lovely cats. They're all on your mug?" Lennon asked. 

Lee Know swiped again on his phone. She looked up to see a selfie of him. He was holding a white mug. The three cats had their pictures on the mug. Their names were underneath them in little black lettering. A smile appeared on her face. "That's a beautiful mug. Han, you got that for him?" 

"Yeah, I had it custom made for his birthday." 

"And then he broke it!" 

"I didn't mean to! Besides, I replaced it for you! They're the exact same mug!" 

"I hate to interrupt your fighting, but I'm finished with your makeup. Lee Know, do you want to go next?" 

"Yeah, I might as well." 

Han got out of the chair and Lee Know replaced him. Han stood behind the makeup chair and watched every little thing that Lennon did. She worked quietly as Lee Know struck up a conversation with Han. The door to the room opened, she didn't dare look over at it. She continued applying black eyeshadow to Lee Know's eyelids. 


She blinked, her concentration broke. "Hm?" Chan stood behind Lee Know's chair. Her heart dropped in her chest. 

"Changbin wants to know if he can talk to you out in the hallway." 

"Why?" Han asked. "Can't he talk to her here? He still has to get his makeup done." 

"He wants to talk to her away from everyone else." 

"Let me finish applying the rest of Lee Know's makeup and I'll be right there." 

"Okay." Chan turned around and walked back to the door. He was probably going to tell Changbin that it'd be a few moments. 

She swallowed the lump in her throat. She put the brush back into the eye shadow palette to pick up more of the product. Lee Know closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "He's so dramatic sometimes." 

"Are you okay?" Han asked. "The color completely drained out of your face." 

"I'm okay, just a little nervous. I've never been good with confrontation. I'll get over it, the sooner we make things right, the better." 

"You'll be okay, Changbin can be a jerk sometimes. I'm sure he'll apologize and everything will go back to normal. Who knows, you two might even become friends," Lee Know added.

Friends? What wishful thinking that was. 

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