Chapter One-Hundred

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The sound of birds caused Lennon to internally groan. Their chirping and squalling was too loud. To make matters worse, loud laughter seeped in beneath the door. Her exhausted body heaved with a sigh. 

Changbin must have come in at some point. A large arm was strung across the front of her chest. He had unconsciously pinned her to his own chest. She didn't mind it much. It's not like she could do anything with her arms pinned down at her sides and she didn't want to wake him up. 

Trying to block out the noise of the birds, she closed her eyes again. Right as she began to drift back to sleep, the bedroom door swung open with a creak. With bleary eyes, she made out the hazy figure of someone. They let out a chuckle upon seeing her and Changbin. 

"Do you want some help?" 

The sound of a camera shutter went off and a flash soon followed. 

"Oh shit!" 

"Han?" Lennon mumbled. "What are you doing?" 

He walked further into the room. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a loose fitting red t-shirt. "Hana texted me and wanted to make sure you were okay. She said you haven't been responding to her calls or texts. She tried to text Changbin, but he hasn't responded since he's been sleeping. She wants physical proof that you're alright." 

"And that requires taking a photo of us?" 

"I'm just doing as she asked. Would you like some assistance in freeing yourself or not? If I leave, I can't guarantee anyone else is going to bother you." 


He walked over and pulled Changbin's arm off of her. She slithered out of his grasp and sat up. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she let out a yawn. "What time is it?" 

"I have no idea, but the birds are chirping; so it must be morning." 

"Have you slept yet?" 


"Of course, you haven't." 

"Come on, let's leave Changbin alone. He gets really grumpy when someone wakes him up when he has a day off. Trust me when I say don't poke the bear." He reached out a hand to her. 

She grabbed it and let him pull her off the bed. The two of them walked out of Changbin's room and Han led her out into the living room. Chan was sitting on the couch with his eyes glued to his laptop screen. He briefly glanced up at the two of them as they approached. 

"Good morning, Lennon!" 

"Morning," she grumbled back. "Have you had any sleep?" 


"I should have known." 

He let out a chuckle. 

"Do any of you get proper sleep?" 

"When we feel like it," Han cut in. "Do you want anything for breakfast? We still haven't gone grocery shopping yet. We could order something or we could go somewhere." 

Lennon shook her head, "no thank you." 

"Actually, could the two of you go get groceries?" Chan placed his laptop on the coffee table and stood up. "I would go, but I've got to finish this song. Hyunjin and I got some stuff yesterday, but there's a lot we're out of. I'd make Han do it himself, but he gets so distracted. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." 

"No, I can go with him." She tried not to let her disappointment be too obvious. "I need to go back to my apartment and get a few things anyway. I can drive, oh shit, I don't have my car." 

"You can borrow mine, I'll get the keys." Chan hurried off to his bedroom. 

"I supposed I should probably change first." She glanced down at what she was wearing. A pair of black shorts with a gray long sleeve shirt. "I don't think anyone wants to see me in my pajamas and my hair is a mess." 

"That reminds me that your clothes are in the dryer. Changbin washed your dirty clothes from the tour. You'll have to pick out what you want to wear." 

"Can I leave them there until we get back? Actually, I could fold them now and I-" 

Han let out a laugh, "Lennie, they're fine. Nobody else is going to use the washer and dryer any time soon. We all have a lot of clothes and we're always stealing each other's things." 

"I'm not used to living with other people." 

"It's not that bad. Besides, we don't bite. It's not like we're going to get angry if you do something wrong. We won't hurt you, you know." 

A small voice appeared in the back of her head and it sounded like her father. The insults that he had hurled at her still lived deep inside of her. She placed her arms around her forearms to hug herself. "Yeah, I know." 

But she wasn't sure if she believed it. 

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