Chapter Sixty

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"Chan is going to kill you and then he's going to kill me." Lennon ran her hands through her hair. "Seriously, we shouldn't be doing this. What if a fan catches us?" 

"That didn't seem to matter when I was eating you out the other day." 

Lennon shot Changbin a glare. 

He let out a small laugh. "I'm serious, you need to relax. Who cares if someone sees us? You're my makeup artist. If anything, I'm just here, so you can practice new makeup looks on me."

"My career is on the line!" 

Changbin threw his arms over the top of her shoulders. He looped his fingers together around the back of her neck. "I won't let JYP fire you. If he does, I'll just have to hire you personally. Just because he can't get his dick wet, it doesn't mean the rest of us should suffer."   

Lennon let out a sigh. Her shoulders dropped beneath the weight of Changbin's arms. "I know I shouldn't, I'm just really worried. I like this job a lot and I don't want to leave. I like the guys, I like you, I like traveling, I like all of it."  

"We're going to be okay, I promise." He leaned forward and planted his lips to the middle of her forehead. "I won't let anything bad happen to you." 

"I hate to ruin this moment, but you should really go take a shower. I don't know how you're comfortable in those leather pants. Do you guys choose to always wear them? They look like they're super tight." 

"It's just what our stylist puts us in. Don't get me wrong, I look hot as fuck. They might make my ass look good, but they squeeze my dick." 

"Have you ever brought that up to your stylist? Maybe she could put you in something more flexible." 

"She's the stylist, that's what she gets paid to do." 

Without a warning, Lennon wrapped her arms around his back. She sunk her hands into the back of his pockets and tugged him closer. Not expecting the force, Changbin stumbled forward slightly. His dick pressed up against Lennon's crotch. Blush immediately formed across his cheeks. 

"W-what are you doing?" 

"Would you like my help taking them off?" Lennon's hands squeezed around his ass cheeks. "If you're going to be here, we might as well do something entertaining." 

Changbin threw his head back. He could feel his cock throbbing through the tight leather material of his pants.  "You can't just tease me like this! I can't do th-" 

"Who said I was teasing? If I remember right, I still owe you for the other night." A smirk slowly stretched across her face. "Besides, didn't you say that you shouldn't suffer if JYP can't get his dick wet? Fortunately for you, you have me." 

"You make an excellent point, but you were right, I should shower first. I'm still a little sweaty from jumping around on stage and I-" 

One of Lennon's hands was removed from his pocket. She instantly pushed a finger to his lips to silence him. "Forget that I said that. Let me take care of you and then you can take a shower afterwards, okay?" She removed her finger and took her other hand out of his remaining pants' pocket. 

Not waiting for an answer, she hungrily pressed her lips against his. Her hands quickly found a home in his hair. Sloppy open mouth kisses came one after another. Changbin pressed his hips against her begging for some type of friction against his swollen cock. 

"Sounds like someone's needy," Lennon got out between the kisses. 

"Shut up!" Changbin growled. 

She let out a chuckle before slowly trailing her hands down to the collar of his shirt. "I think since we've met, these types of shirts are my favorite on you." 

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