Chapter Sixty-Six

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After eating a blueberry muffin and drinking coffee, Changbin hurried out of Chan's hotel room. Lennon thought that maybe he had gone back to her room, but when she arrived, he was nowhere in sight. She ignored the slight ache in her heart and pulled out her phone to text Hana. 

All morning she had been going over things in her head to get Hana as a souvenir, but nothing stood out. She knew exactly what she wanted to get her daughter, but she was clueless about Hana. Nobody knew Hana better than Changbin, but he was still missing. 

Her phone vibrated between her hands. A new text message notification popped up as she was in the middle of responding to a text from Hana. 

Do you want to explore the city before the concert? 

She quickly responded back with a simple "yes." 

A knock came on her door within seconds afterwards. Han stood with sunglasses covering his dark eyes. A black beanie had been pulled down over his head. "Are you ready to have the adventure of a lifetime?" 

Lennon stifled a laugh. "Is this your idea of a disguise?" 

"Is there something wrong with it?" 

"The sun isn't shining because it's raining." 

"Dang it!" He ripped off the sunglasses. "How am I supposed to hide from the fans?" 

She stepped back and waved him inside the room. Han entered and shut the door behind him. "It's already bad enough that we can't leave without a bodyguard!" 

"We're not supposed to leave without a bodyguard?" 

"No, which reminds me, Chan told me to tell you that you're not supposed to do that again. He covered for you when he gave our manager breakfast. He said one of them accompanied you, but he doesn't want you to do that again. Did you tell anyone where you were going?" 


"Exactly, don't do that again. Some of our fans are fucking psychotic. No offense to them, I know that sounds bad but th-" 

She held up a hand to stop him. "I get it, Hana already talked about the one crazy fan you had. I can't imagine having more than one, but I'm sure you do. Some fans don't know when to stop. I don't even know if you can call them fans at that point." 

She bent down to her suitcase and unzipped it. Digging through the clothes, she found a pair of glasses. "Here, you can use these. These were my reading glasses, but I accidentally popped a lens out of them the other day. I'll just pop this one out real quick." 

She pressed her thumb up against the plastic and popped it out of the frame. "Here you go, now it's just the frames. Your fans won't recognize you with these on. Maybe they will, but it'll take them a while to realize it." 

Han took them from her and placed them on her face. "How do they make me look?" He posed with his hands on his hips. "Do I look good?" 

"Well, you look very...uh...sophisticated?" 

The brown round frames were the same shade as his eyes. She had never seen him in glasses like them before. She pulled out a hoodie for herself and rezipped the suitcase. 

"Ouch. I would have rather you just said I looked ugly." 

"You don't look ugly, it's just different." 

"Which is short for ugly!" 

"I think we're wasting time. We only have like two hours before we need to be at the venue. Are we going or not?" 

"And now you're changing the topic!" 

Lennon shot him a glare before she yanked the hoodie over her head. 

"We're going, we're going. I suppose I'll just suck it up and go out into the world looking ugly. No big deal, I'll get over it." He let out a sigh and headed towards the door. "Come on, let's get this over with." 

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