Chapter Sixty-One

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After tossing and turning for ten minutes, Lennon decided sleeping was pointless. Changbin's snores were loud and she couldn't block them out. Usually, his snoring wouldn't bother her, but for some reason they were annoying this morning. She forced herself out of her bed and over to her suitcase to change into clothes for the new day. 

A quick glance at the digital clock let her know that it was seven in the morning. They had hours before they had to be at a different venue for sound check. Everyone was probably still sleeping and she should have been too, but she couldn't. Besides Changbin's snores, a restlessness stirred inside of her. 

She moved silently through the darkened room. A gray light pushed through the sheer white curtains. Being close to summer, the sun should have been brighter. It should have been lighting up the room with its blinding rays. It must have been cloudy outside. 

Grabbing a change of clothes, she quickly changed in the bathroom, and placed her hair in a high ponytail. Nobody would be up for hours, but that didn't mean she still couldn't get breakfast for everyone. While they were coming home from the venue last night, they passed by a bakery. 

With a quick google search, she found out they opened up at six in the morning. Their website was adorned with photos of their pastries. From muffins, doughnuts. cookies, cakes, pies, and bread; they seemed to have it all. It was only a ten minute walk from the hotel, so it wouldn't take her long. 

She sent a quick text message to Changbin's phone. The device vibrated loudly on the nightstand near the bed. His snores stopped almost instantly. She paused, waiting to see if it would wake him up or not. Another few seconds of silence passed before he continued snoring. 

She let out the breath she was holding and hurried over to the hotel room door. She had her hotel key in her wallet, so she'd be able to get in when she got back. She slid out of the door and pulled it shut behind her. 

The hotel they were staying in was far larger than the hotels they had been staying in. This hotel was right in the middle of a busy city street. Outside, New York City was already well awake. The streets were buzzing with people. Taxis honked and, although traffic was supposed to yield for pedestrians, it didn't seem like anyone cared. The dreary weather had seemed to put a damper on the town. 

Lennon took the elevator down to the lobby. The band and their managers had been given a section to stay on the sixth floor. Unlike a past hotel, they hadn't been given their own hotel floor. However, they were around each other and that seemed to be good enough for management as long as the hotel promised to supply extra hotel security around the area. 

Lennon's phone buzzed in her back pocket. Wondering if she woke up Changbin, she quickly entered her pass code. A text message sat unread from Hana. A smile lit up her face. Since Hana had been busy with her daughter and she had been busy with the band, it seemed like they hadn't gotten to talk a lot. 

I hope you're enjoying New York! That's my favorite place in America. I hate to be a bother, but could you please pick me up a souvenir? I really miss it and I never had time to pick anything up the last time I was there. I'll pay you back for it, I promise :)

Lennon chuckled and sent back a reply. 

Of course, I'll get you a souvenir. Don't worry about paying me back, I'll make sure to find you something wonderful. Besides, what kind of aunt would I be if I didn't get my niece a present?

She locked her phone and placed it back into her pocket. The silver elevator dinged upon stopping. The doors slid open to reveal the luxurious hotel lobby. From the white tiled floors to the golden detailing creeping along the walls, it was breathtaking. 

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