Chapter One-Hundred and Eight

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By the time Lennon secured an uber and was driven back to the dorm rooms, the dorms were quiet. Way too quiet. Han wasn't laughing and goofing off and Hyunjin wasn't loudly whining about something. Chan wasn't mocking one of the members and Changbin, one of the loudest members, was nowhere in sight. 

Her eyes wandered over the empty living room couch. Even in the kitchen, nobody was there. Even though nobody was around, she had the feeling that she wasn't alone. Quietly, she made her way back to the back of the rooms. A faint noise came from Changbin's room. 

Smiling to herself, she knocked on his door a few times. He mumbled a response and she slowly opened the door. Time seemed to freeze as he sat there in front of his laptop. The glow of it lit up his face in the dark room. The only other thing that lit up the room was a small lamp that sat beside the laptop. 

She had stayed out with Hana much longer than she had expected. By the time she got home, it was already dark. The glasses of wine were still flowing through her. She swallowed her fear and began to speak. 

"I'm sorry to catch you off guard. I know you're probably not expecting this. I know we said that we'd talk later and you're probably doing something extremely important, but I need to get something off my chest." 


She cut him off, "I'm sorry, but it can't wait. There is no other way to say it, but I'm in love with you Seo Changbin. I love everything about you. I love waking up in your arms and I love the way you compliment me. You have made me feel like no other person has before." 

"I'm so sorry for breaking up with you the other day. You didn't deserve that and I understand that maybe that was the only chance I had with you and I blew it. I realized a lot of things today and one of the most important things I've realized is that this is my life. This is our life." 

"And if I haven't blown it," she continued, "I'd really like to give us another chance. We only get one life and I'm not sure if there is a next one. I'm not sure if I believe in heaven or hell, but I do believe in you. I believe in us and if I screwed the relationship up, I'm sorry. We don't have to talk to each other. We don't have to do anything. I just think you should know that I love you." 

"I love you fully and I love you wholly. I would wrangle the sun for you. If I could, I'd give you the moon. I love you so much and maybe the whole thing is selfish. I'd do anything for you and my best days are the ones where we're together and laughing. I know you love your fans, but if you love me, I don't think it's fair that you should have to give up your happiness for them. No matter what the outcome is, you deserve to be happy too." 

After a few seconds of silence, Changbin cleared his throat. His hand went to the back of his neck. "Well," he let out a nervous chuckle, "so about that..." 

"Did I fuck it up?" The excitement that had been flowing through her veins disappeared immediately.  

"No, no, of course not! It's just" He glanced over at his computer screen. His eyes lingered on it for a few seconds. "Would you like to say hi to the fans? They really want to meet you." 


"I've been live streaming for a while now. Actually, I was streaming when you walked in. So..." 

"I'm so sorry!" Her hands covered her mouth in shock. The fans had heard everything. She hadn't been quiet while she was declaring her new outlook on life. "I had no idea, I-" 

"Now that they know that you're head over heels about me, would you like to meet them?" 

"What if they hate me?" She lowered her voice so they couldn't hear her. 

He shook his head, "things have changed. Come on, come say hi!" 

He scooted back in his rolling chair and grabbed her wrist. Gently, he pulled her towards him. He placed his fingers around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. "I bet you have all heard by now, but this is Lennon. This is the girl I love." 

He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on the top of her shoulder. Lennon blushed while seeing herself on the laptop screen. Comments flooded the sidebar of the laptop. There were hundreds of them being typed at once. They were coming in so fast, she couldn't read them. 

"Stay, I love you, but you need to be nice to my girlfriend." Changbin squeezed her waist tighter. Her cheeks flushed at his term of endearment. "She is my whole entire world. I love her with every fiber of my being. She is one of the main reasons I wake up every day. She makes sure I am cared for and I am loved." 

"She's there on my worst days. She's there on my best days. I hope she'll be there every day. She gets along with the other members of the band. She's our makeup artist, so she has to get along with us." 

She gets to touch all of your faces and we don't  :( 

She couldn't help it, the comment made her laugh. 

"Would you like to say something?" Changbin whispered into her ear. 

"Um...I'm sorry if I'm crushing some of your dreams. I didn't mean for any of this to happen, but it did. I promise that I'll take good care of him. I'll make sure he's eating something besides protein shakes and chicken breasts. I'll make sure he's drinking water." 

"Hey! What's wrong with my protein shakes and chicken breasts?" He pouted. 

"You don't season your chicken breasts and it's disgusting!" 

"It's protein!" 

"You could still have protein with some proper seasonings and your protein shakes taste like chalk." 

"How do you know? I've never seen you taste one!"

"I kiss you after you drink them!" 

In the opposite dorm room, the guys were gathered around Chan's computer watching the live stream. Changbin had specifically asked the other members of his dorm if they could leave, so he could stream. Earlier in the day, he had sat down with JYP and discussed dating Lennon. 

It took a bit, but JYP agreed. The only rule was that he didn't want things to get messy between Changbin and Lennon. If things got too messy, it'd be bad backlash for the company. Changbin had to promise nothing crazy would happen between the two. 

Seungmin grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into his mouth. "I can't believe he didn't stop the stream when Lennon walked into the room and started declaring her love." 

"He was probably too caught off guard," Felix shrugged. "I mean, we weren't expecting it either." 

"It's like a cute little soap opera," Hyunjin said. He leaned over to Seungmin's popcorn bowl and grabbed a piece. 

"I'm so happy things between them have started to work out. I like seeing both of them happy." Han leaned his head up against Chan's leg. "How are you feeling about all this?" He patted his leg. 

"I think I'm getting a bit emotional." 

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "it's always the elders being sappy." 

Without a single word, I.N leaned over, snatched the bowl of popcorn out of Seungmin's lap, and dumped it over his head. 

"Hey!" Seungmin whined. "What was that for?" 

"That was for being rude to your elder," Lee Know defended I.N. "You can go ahead and clean that up." 

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