Chapter Ninety-Four

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Nobody was home in the dorm that Hyunjin shared with 3Racha. Changbin turned the key and turned the knob to reveal the living room. Similar to the opposite dorm, a black leather couch sat facing the television. The living room walls were painted a light green. 

"How about I start a shower for you? You can change into something more comfortable. When you get out, we can do whatever you're comfortable with. We could watch a movie or something. If you just want to lay in my bed, you can do that too." 


Changbin placed her suitcase and makeup kit up against a blank wall. After he had coaxed her into coming with him, he led her into the back of Chan's car. He grabbed her suitcase and makeup kit on the way out. He insisted she could wash her laundry in the dorm room. 

He wasted no time in hurrying towards the bathroom that he shared with Han. He took his time trying to make sure the temperature wasn't going to burn her. In the meantime, Lennon took in the house. Chan had gone back to the other dorm to update all the other guys. 

A variety of photographs of the guys had been placed on the walls. Changbin and Chan flashing a peace sign at the camera. 3Racha carrying Hyunjin while he smiled and posed for the camera. A photo of all eight of them in a black frame. The photos varied in age from when they were in their pre-debut days up until now. 

"Okay, it's ready! I grabbed a pair of my sweatpants and a shirt for you. They might be a little big, but that's all I have at the moment. I know Han and Hyunjin are kind of messy. I'd give you a pair of Han's clothes, but I don't know which ones are clean and which are dirty." 

"Thank you." 

She followed him back to the bathroom. Steam was already starting to appear in the small room and coat the mirror. A pile of folded clothes was neatly laid out on the closed toilet lid. 

"I'll be out here, so shout if you need something." 

She nodded and he left her alone. She stepped further into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. The walls were a bright orange. The room didn't have any type of decor. Toilet paper rolls were neatly stacked on a shelf by a porcelain sink. Black towels were folded and placed on a shelf above them. 

Lennon locked the door and stripped herself out of her day-old clothes. This wasn't how she planned the day going. She wasn't sure what she had in mind, but it surely wasn't this. The steam caused a trickle of sweat to start appearing on her forehead. Jerking open the shower curtain, warmth engulfed her.  

"Hello?" Han's voice broke through the silence in the living room. 

Changbin turned around to see the younger band member entering the dorm rooms. "What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"We wanted to see Lennon too! It's not fair for you to hog her." 

"We?" Changbin raised an eyebrow. 

Han stepped further into the doorway to reveal the rest of the band behind him. 

"I thought we agreed not to overwhelm her." 

"We miss her! Where is she? Is she sleeping?" 

"She's taking a shower. Try not to swarm her when she gets out. Give her a chance to breathe, would you?" 

"Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse." 

"Me too," Seungmin added behind him. "Do you guys have food? Our dorm hasn't gone grocery shopping since we got back. It's almost lunch time and we're starving since we didn't have breakfast." 

"Who wants to go with me to get some food from the store?" Chan asked. 

"Me!" Hyunjin raised his hand. "I have some stuff I want to get." 

"Anyone else?" Chan glanced around at the members. Nobody raised their hands. "Alright, I guess that settles it. We're going to go pick up some stuff and bring it back here to make dinner. Lee Know, you're in charge." 

Lee Know saluted and walked over to the couch to drop himself by Changbin. The four younger members couldn't stop themselves from buzzing with excitement. In the back of the dorm, the water had turned off. Lennon grabbed the towel Changbin left her and started to dry off. 

She still felt miserable, but she felt a little better since she had showered. It was like the hot water had melted away some of her worries. She shimmied into the clothes Changbin had left her. 

Yanking open the bathroom door, she had no idea of the horrors that waited for her on the other side. 

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