Chapter One-Hundred and Twelve

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Without wasting any time, Changbin's cold fingers slithered beneath Lennon's shirt. She squirmed as he straddled her, but there was nowhere for her to go. Even if her hands were free, he overpowered her. 

"Where are you going? We haven't even started yet." 

"You're cold!" 

"Let me warm my hands up." 

Without warning, he made his way beneath the band of her bra and cupped her tits. She let out a yelp and hissed. He chuckled as he gently began squeezing her sensitive buds between his forefinger and thumb. "Is that better?" 

"Where the fuck have your hands been?" 

"Searching for you." 

"They're freezing!" 

"Well it's too bad that you can't pull away." A smirk shot across his face. 

"Screw you!" 

She cried out in pain after he squeezed her nipples between his fingers. 

"I'm really not in the mood for you to be mouthy. All I wanted was to have a nice dinner and then I was going to treat you nicely. I was going to treat you like a princess, but now..." he trailed off. "Now, I have to teach you some manners." 

"Take your manners and shove them up your ass! You're being a prick, it's not my fault your dick gets hard at the sight of me." 

"Oh, really?" He tilted his head and chuckled. 

He removed his hands from her chest and slowly slid them down. Nimble fingers unbuttoned the button on her jeans and then slowly started unzipping the zipper. He got off of her and walked down to the edge of the bed. It didn't take long before her jeans disappeared. 

All that was left was a pair of light pink panties. He couldn't help, but chuckle at the sight of them. Lennon's cheeks heated up with embarrassment. "Stop it," she mumbled. 

"Did you mean to wear a matching set for me?" 


She wasn't going to give him any more satisfaction. The baby blue shirt she was wearing had been pushed up. The fabric was rolled up and sat above her boobs. Since she was handcuffed, she couldn't remove her bra. 

"I think you're lying and I don't like liars." 

"I'm not!" She snapped. 

"Sounds like someone's getting feisty because they're not getting touched. How does that feel, hmm?" 

She shot him a glare. An amused smile sat on his face as he strung a leg over her to straddle her again. He lowered himself down to her chest and began slowly trailing kisses from the top of her chest down to her sternum. He pulled away the fabric of the bra to have easier access to her bare skin. Down, down, down he went. Planting soft kisses down her rib cage and along her stomach.

"Binnie, please!" She whined as he trailed lower to her heat. 

"Please, what?" He looked up at her with mischief twinkling in his eyes. 

"Stop teasing me!" 

"I'm just getting started, princess. You're going to be here for a while. We have the whole night to go." He reached down and began fidgeting with the hem of her underwear. 

She arched her back and let out a whimper. "Please," she mumbled. 

"What was that?" 

"Please touch me!" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Please!" She cried out again. She hadn't even been there long and her hands were already aching from the handcuffs. Changbin's teasing was no help. She was dripping with arousal and it was killing her. 

"I love it when you use your manners." He slipped two fingers inside of her underwear and gently pushed them into her cunt. She let out a sigh of relief as he began to slowly circle her clit. 

"Does that feel good?" 

"Yes, thank you." 

He let out an amused laugh, "you're so easy to tame. Not so mouthy now, are you?" 

She had decided that he was doing it on purpose. Slowly circling her clit and driving her mad. It was driving her insane, but she'd rather have his fingers inside of her than out. 

"What do you mean we have the whole night?" She shakily got out. 

"We have the whole night." His fingers slowly began circling her clit faster. "The guys are staying at the other dorm tonight." 

"What if they come back?" 

"Oh, believe me," he slid a finger up inside of her, "they're not coming back." 

She let out a moan as he dragged his fingers away from her clit. He pulled the finger he had placed into her out and replaced them with his pointer and middle finger. He slowly pumped into her again and again. Sticky arousal coated his fingers like warm honey. 

"Would you like it if they came back?" He asked as he picked up the pace of his fingers. "Would you like it if they came back and heard you the whole night? You want them to hear you calling out my name? Getting all filled up with my cock, you want them to hear that?" 

"N-no!" She cried. 

His fingers stopped at once. "I find that hard to believe considering you're dripping right now. You're dripping so much, you're staining the sheets. You want them to know how well you take me, don't you? You're so filthy that the thought of it turns you on." 

Tears started forming in her eyes from the frustration of it all. The starting and the stopping. The kisses. Feeling the beginning pulls of an orgasm and then feeling empty. The teasing. All of it made her want to scream. 

"Just fuck me already!" 

Changbin let out a laugh and began pumping in and out of her once again. He added his thumb and began swirling soft circles into her clit again. "Look at you, you poor thing. So wound up only from my words and fingers. We're going to have so much fun tonight. You don't need my dick yet, sweetheart. I don't think you're ready." 

Her toes curled as she felt herself nearing her orgasm. Her back arched as her body began to lift off the bed. A single whimper filled the air. 

"You look so pretty with my fingers buried in your cunt. Go ahead, let yourself go. Go ahead and cum for me, princess." 

The coiling rope inside of her snapped. All she saw was bright white as her body shook from the pleasure. The tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes, they started trailing down her cheeks.

"That's it, let it go." He continued pumping his fingers while she slowly came back down from her orgasm. "You're doing such a good job for me. You're making me the happiest man on Earth." 

But the next words out of his mouth scared her. She already felt so exhausted and she had only finished once. It scared her and, at the exact same time, something awakened deep inside of her, and it excited her. 

"Don't worry, doll. There's plenty more where that came from." 

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