Chapter Twelve

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"Stop laughing, this isn't fair! You broke the game! You're cheating!" 

Lennon bent over in her chair. She clutched her side and laughed again. More Uno cards spat out of the machine and spewed into Han's lap. 

"I hate this stupid fucking game," he grumbled. 

Lennon placed a card on top of the pile. I.N and Lee Know followed. Han glanced at the cards in his hand before slamming his cards face down. "This is bullshit!" He pressed the button on the machine, one card shot out. 

"Oh, thank fuck! Finally, it's about fucking ti-" Three more cards quickly shot out of the machine. "For fuck's sakes!" He threw his hands up in the air. "I'm done! Fuck this game and fuck you guys! It never does this when you have to draw cards, it's only me! It's rigged!" 

Lennon slapped a hand over her mouth, but it couldn't stop the giggles from coming out. I.N was in the same predicament. His face had turned red from laughing so hard. Lee Know sat with an amused grin on his face. 

Lee Know had ordered a variety of food for dinner, including pizza for Hyunjin and pasta for Han. Lennon had filled her stomach with pepperoni pizza. After everyone ate, Han offered to play Uno Attack. The extreme version of Uno where the cards were loaded into a machine. Instead of drawing a card when you needed it, you pressed a button on the machine. It spat out a random amount of cards instead. 

Han had to have almost twenty cards in his hands. Every time he had to draw cards, he'd press the button, and be hit with multiple cards. It had happened more than three times. Each time, it became funnier and funnier. Han kept getting more and more frustrated. 

The three players added cards to the pile until it went back to Han. He took his time looking through all the cards before he glanced down at the pile. "That's it, I'm seriously done!" 

"You don't have a red card?" Lee Know asked. 

"No, I don't have a red card and I don't have a seven card either. I don't even have a wild card! None of my cards will get me out of this situation, I quit! Call me a sore loser, I don't care anymore! This is bullshit, you guys did something to the stupid machine!" 

"What's all the yelling about?" Felix poked his head around the kitchen corner. 

"They're being a bunch of assholes! They rigged the Uno machine and it's making me lose!"

"It keeps..." I.N fell into another bout of laughter. 

This caused Lennon to start laughing harder too. Soon, Lee Know was joining in the laughter. Han sat with his arms crossed over his chest. A frown sat on his face. He puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. 

Felix came over and hit the button on the machine. One card shot out of it. He hit the button again and got two cards. He hit the button again and got one card. "What are you talking about, mate? It seems like it's working fine." 

Han sighed, turned the machine towards him, and hit the button. The laughter stopped for a brief moment. Everyone held their breath as they waited to see what happened. Without warning, the machine shot out multiple cards. Han's deadpan face was enough to get them all roaring with laughter again. Even Felix started laughing. 

I.N leaned back in his chair again. He kept rocking back and forth on the back legs. No matter how many times Lee Know had lectured him, he kept doing it. In the middle of his laughter, the chair slid back. Lennon watched in horror as his legs went up in the air. The back half of him disappeared from sight. 

The laughter froze at once. An "oof" could be heard as he hit the floor. Lee Know and Han looked at each other. It didn't take them long to start laughing; Felix joined them. Lee Know slammed his hand on the table and buried his face in his arm. 

"Are you okay?" Lennon asked. She quickly got up out of her seat to check on him. Before she could make her way to him, he lifted up his thumb to give her a thumbs up. For whatever reason, this sent her into another fit of laughter too. 

It didn't take long before I.N started laughing again. Through her laughs, Lennon reached out a hand to him. He grabbed it and was helped off the floor. The front door to the dorm opened. Hyunjin and Seungmin glanced at each other at the sound of laughter. 

They moved into the kitchen to see what was happening. I.N was just getting back to his feet. Nobody could  contain their laughter no matter how hard they tried. The confused expressions from Hyunjin and Seungmin caused some of them to laugh even harder. 

"I'm gonna pee myself," Han got out through breaths.

"Gross," Seungmin wrinkled his nose. 

"What did we miss?" Hyunjin asked. 

Nobody could respond through their laughter. Tears had pooled in Lennon's eyes. They had started to stream down her face. Right as she seemed to compose herself, she started laughing again. Her lungs felt like they were going to give out at any moment. Her stomach burned from the constant shaking. Even the corners of her mouth hurt from the smile that stretched across her face. 

"Are you guys drunk or something?" Seungmin tried again. "Can Lennon even drink?" 

"Seriously, what are you guys laughing at?" 

Han leaned over and pressed the Uno machine's button. Another handful of cards spit out of the machine at him. Lee Know covered his red face with his hands. Hyunjin and Seungmin shared another look. 

"You just had to be there," Felix finally got out. He took a few deep breaths before he continued. "Did you guys get the ice cream?" 

"Yeah," Hyunjin lifted the plastic bag in his hand. "It's all right here." 

"That's perfect. While everyone tries to gain their composure, we can serve the ice cream. I think we all could use some of it." 

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked. "You guys seem really buzzed up on something." 

"Just Han's stupidity, apparently," Seungmin spoke 

This sent Han, Lee Know, I.N, and Lennon into another fit of giggles. Felix shook his head and grabbed the bag from Hyunjin.

 "Come help me, I'll explain while we're dishing out bowls." 

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