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Walking back into the JYP building on Wednesday morning, Lennon felt lighter. She wasn't perfect, but she was doing the best she could. After making the guys breakfast the day before, they had spent the day hanging out. After breakfast, they all followed her to the grocery store. 

The day was spent fooling around. A lot of laughs filled the air. It smelled like fresh flowers and the woodsy cologne that Changbin wore. No matter where they went, he was right there beside her. His hand in hers or his arm slung around his shoulder. There was even a time when he gave her a piggy-back ride and refused to put her down. 

Somehow I.N and Han talked everyone into having a sleepover of the 3racha and Hyunjin dorm. The evening was spent with chins covered in grease from delivered pizza. The crack of opening coke cans. The unforgettable feeling of love. 

Lennon still struggled to believe she wasn't a problem, but something changed the previous night. When Chan had handed her a plate with two pieces of pizza and insisted she be the first to start eating. When Hyunjin slid a matching pink plush headband over her head. The way he gently pulled her hair back and adjusted the band, so her hair was out of her face. 

The way I.N insisted that he had to be the one to place her face mask on her face. Using the soft pads of his fingers, he made sure to get out all the wrinkles. Han had cooed over at her from across the room and called her adorable. It caused Changbin to whip around and whack Han across the back of the head. "Get your own girlfriend!" He had griped.

The sight caused her to laugh. When Lee Know saw it, he called attention to it. "Did you like that?" He wanted to know. "Watch this." Doing the exact same thing as Changbin, he lightly whacked Han in the back of the head. 

"Stop picking on me!" Han complained. "You two are trying to kill me!" 

"Make me," Lee Know stuck out his tongue. 

Han turned around and the two of them had begun fighting. In the meantime, Felix wormed his way over to Lennon's lap. He placed his head on her leg with his own sheet mask on. He grabbed her hand and held it between his. "Are you having a good time?" He asked. 

"Hey, why are you guys trying to steal my girlfriend?" Changbin whined. "She's mine! Go get your own!" 

Just to annoy him, Seungmin shimmied up to Lennon and dropped his head on her other leg. "No thank you, hyung. As the remaining members of the band, we've decided to share her. Sharing is caring, don't you remember? We learned that in primary school." 

"Lennon, you tell them to get off you and leave you alone!" Changbin huffed with his arms crossed. 

She shrugged, "I don't mind the physical affection." Mindlessly, while Felix played with her hand, she took the remaining one and placed it on Seungmin's head. She fluttered her fingers through his hair. It caused him to let out a sigh of relief and close his eyes. 

"Chan, tell them to stop it! They're stealing her from me!" 

Chan took a bite of pizza and shrugged, "I mean she seems happy, so what's the big deal?" 

"Lennie is happy," Hyunjin snuck up behind her and wrapped her arms around her neck. "She'll never be sad with us here. We won't allow it!"  

"Yeah, no more sadness!" Han agreed. 

"Group hug around Lennon!" Felix cheered. "Everyone join in! Everyone needs some love!" 

And so everyone had huddled up around Lennon. Bodies twisted together and limbs squeezed her so tightly that she nearly couldn't breathe. She wished she could have had a photo of the moment. For now, she'd keep it locked in her brain as a favorite memory. The warm encapsulating fuzzy feeling of love and affection. It was one that she didn't want to forget anytime soon. 

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