Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chan hurried past the front desk receptionist panting. He didn't bother to stop when she tried to ask him what was wrong. There was no time to explain. Too afraid that the elevator would be slow, he sprinted up the stairs. 

He stopped at Lennon's door first. He banged on it a few times, but there was no sound behind it. No yelling, no muffled pleas for help, just silence. He ran back to the stairs and hurried to the third floor. 

There was no doubt that his gray shirt was darkened from the perspiration. It soaked the collar of his shirt. He could feel the cotton fabric stick uncomfortably to his back. He hurried to Changbin's hotel room. There was no sound coming from behind the door. 

He reached for his back pocket. The hotel had given everyone two key cards for their room. Being the leader and most responsible member, Chan insisted he needed one of the cards from everyone. There were eight members and they were paired into four different hotel rooms. Besides his own room key card, he had three others. 

He scanned one of them on the door system. The system flashed red letting him know that the card had been rejected. He tried another card and it was also rejected. He tried the third one and the light flashed bright green. He held his breath and opened the door. 

His first reaction was utter shock. He couldn't stop his mouth from dropping open. They weren't fighting and screaming at each other. They weren't even awake and talking. Lennon was laying on top of Changbin. 

Her head lay in the middle of his chest. Her body steadily moved up and down, partially from her own breathing, and partly from Changbin's. Changbin's left arm was secured to the left side of the headboard. His arm stuck up in the air with his hand dangling down lifelessly. 

His right hand and her left hand were pressed together with their fingers intertwined. Chan blinked trying to see if he was seeing everything correctly. Lennon's uncuffed hand was wrapped beneath his neck. Chan stood trying to figure out how the two of them had ended up like this. 

Last night had ended with Changbin's anger and Lennon nearing tears. She ran out of the room before Changbin could apologize. Before he knew everything, would he even have considered apologizing to her? Chan looked at the two of them once more before quietly walking out of the room. 

Loud wheezes came from down the hall. He glanced over to see a bodyguard, dressed in all black, staggering up the top of the stairs. Upon seeing Chan standing still, he nearly doubled over from pain. "Are you," he paused to take a deep breath, "done running?" 

Chan nodded his head, "you didn't have to follow me. Sorry for making you run so far, I thought we were having an emergency situation. It's just a false alarm." 

The bodyguard nodded before stumbling in front of a hotel room door. He pulled out a key card from his back pocket and let himself into the room. It must have been the room he was staying in when he wasn't guarding everyone. 

Chan pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket. He unlocked it, scrolled through his contacts, and hit the call button on Lee Know's name. He was still upset with Felix and Han, so he didn't want to talk with them. 

"Hello?" Lee Know picked up on the second ring. 

Chan took in a deep breath of air. His lungs stung from the oxygen intake. His heart pounded inside his chest. "Can you ask them where they put the key for the handcuffs?" 

"Yeah, hold on." There was shuffling and muffled voices before Lee Know spoke again. "Apparently, it's in their hotel room on top of one of the night stands. They're saying that the one key works for both sets of handcuffs." 

"Of course it does," Chan grumbled. "Tell them that I'll be waiting for them when they get back to the hotel and they're both in deep shit." 

"I will. Did you find the two of them? Was everything okay?" 

"Yeah, everything is good. I'll see you guys when you come back to the hotel. Can you please see if you can bring my breakfast when you come back?" 

"Yeah, we'll order Lennon and Changbin something too. We shouldn't be too much longer. We'll see you soon." 

"Thanks." Chan hung up his phone and let out a sigh. He shook his head and placed his phone into his back pocket. 

He didn't know if Han and Felix held a degree in stupidity or if they were geniuses. 

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